Griffon Wing Forest Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Griffon Wing Forest

Brief History
Titled for the frequent spotting of Griffon Cubs the Griffon Wing Forest is a bountiful forest ecosystem, filled with wildlife and adventure for the natural thrill seeker. Be warned however not all creatures in these woods are friendly.

Location description from afar
Easy to spot from afar with trees that reach to the skies seemingly each competing with the next to see who can extend the tallest. Each with a beautiful deep green leaf. The occasional blank patch of trees could be seen from above, potentially from logging, a small campsite or the resting place of a large creature. To explore is the only way to be sure!

Ground cover
The ground is covered with hardy shrubs, bushes and rotting logs, creating a perfect feast of fronds for the herbivores who call this forest home.

What you hear around you
The distant calls of creatures big and small, the rustling of leaves and bushes and at the time a stillness that can be both calming and concerning.