Hogni Horfison Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Hogni Horfison

Brief History
Hogni is a simple dwarf, he believes in the three F's of life. Fighting, Fire is bad and Fucking. Fire is bad came from an accident with Alchemical fire as a child but he rarely discusses it.

Personality in brief description
He is a simple man, requires very little but loyalty from the crew he is running with and a reason for being. That reason is typically hunting down the highest bounty that Garpent will issue

Their appearance
He is a stout and rotund dwarf with long white & golden blonde hair that ties in a braid

What they sound like
He sounds like a scotchish man as all good dwarves should. He speaks simply and gutterally.

What they smell like
He smells of sweat, hard work and mead.
Aligned Organization