Ingeth Character in Kaomora | World Anvil


Personality in brief description
Ingeth is a sweet and gentle soul who often drifts with the lunar light, he is a devout follower of Sehanine, the Moon Weaver and trained in the Monastic traditions of the Shadow Monk. He can be as swift as a coursing river with the strength of a great typhoon, but he is also as mysterious as the dark side of the moon.
Their appearance
He is a tall Human male, bald with leathery tanned skin, he has many tribal tattoos that course their way across his body and wears deep navy vestments and a long white undershirt. He has a series of large runic carved wooden orbs that he wears as a belt or a necklace depending on which form he is in. His eyes are milky white and you would swear he was blind if he didn't trace your movements. He has a small golden Lorikeet named Annent that is never far from him.
What they sound like
He speaks clearly and calmly he bears no accent but a deeper wooded tone to his voice.
What they smell like
Honey, Lavender and freshly cut grass
Bear Form