Ink Oil tides Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Ink Oil tides

Brief History
The Ink oil tides are home to many sea shanties and stories of lost ships, wreckage and alleged sightings of sea-dwelling behemoths. It is not often sailed and mostly avoided.

Location description from afar
As you're sailing the high seas of Kaomora you will notice a distinct change in the colour of the water as you enter the Ink Oil Tides, the usual hues give way to a far deeper blue which in areas almost seems black. It is with this distinct change you've entered the Ink oil Tides, the seas here seem calmer than in other parts almost as if the water is thicker. Many a sailor has complained that sailing almost seems slower as the water almost clings to the hull of the ship

Ground cover
There is very little to look at in the Ink Oil Tides, it seems like an expanse of sea that stretches out across the horizon. But there are said to be the occasional island-dotted within it but rarely would anyone dare try to document it through the dangers that are said to lurk below.

What you hear around you
The soft crashing of waves, the occasional cawing of a lost bird but other than that typically an eerie stillness sets over the water.

Known or prominent Inhabitants
It is rumoured to house a great sea creature that sprays out ink and oil giving the area its name, but this is said to be more of a rumour.