Kings Crown

History in brief
The first kings bloom blossomed at the crowing of the first king of the now-defunct human settlement that has been replaced with the Kingdom of Fungaziri. Kings bloom now a rare plant is only found in places with a large population of nobility. It is a key ingredient in creating healing and vitality potions and meals.

Their appearance
A small amber leafed plant that weaves in on itself like a crown,

What they smell like
It has an odd fruity smell with a hint of vinegar

Where are you most likely to encounter these
Grows commonly around the fringe of large settlements, oddly tied to the amount of nobility or royalty within the cities walls.
Tobira Sanctuary and Port Marguerite are the two locations that this plant is mostly harvested.

What can it do if consumed
On it's own is rather bitter but like any royal structure does when mixed with other "lesser" ingredients. It has the ability chance to double, triple or quadruple the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of a potion based on a D100 roll - 0-15 X4 reverse 16-30 X3 reverse 31-45 X2 Reverse 46 - 65 x2 doubled effect 66-75 x3 doubled effect 76-100 x4 doubled effect