Mezrian Grande

Brief History
An old abandoned mansion of one of the Red Mesa's noble class. It has seeming not seen a footstep in the place for centuries. Fire elementals swirl around the entrance as a warning sign to any who dare try and enter.

Location description from afar
A set of red marble stairs snakes and spirals its way up the side of the cliff face to a marbled plateau. There two intricately carved red stone doors sit with fine gold inlay that glints and glistens as the sun hits it. Around the edge is a mural of many people all shuffling about together. This would be a welcoming sight if not for the three fire elementals that swirl endlessly around the plateau keeping guard to ensure nobody dares enter.

Ground cover
Across the Plateau up is a fine white and stone with veins of soft red and brown that jolt across the tiles.

What you hear around you
The whistle of wind that howls from the obelisks on nearby mesas, the dull hum and chorus of street merchants from below and the whipping flames of the fire elementals as they make their parameter rounds.

Known or prominent Inhabitants
The last known habitant is a closely guarded secret of some in the sands, maybe just maybe someone could tell you?