Nerdalye's letter to Dorian Document in Kaomora | World Anvil

Nerdalye's letter to Dorian

Dearest Dorian,
Our time together this evening has been nothing short of enchanting, I've not known a soul so free and full of expression. I did not expect your attendance at the moon-lit court yet somehow I yearned for it all the more, you are a gifted musician and lover and I thank you greatly for this.
I must admit I sought your courtship for reasons more than just a loving embrace, but after knowing you now this short while I wouldn't risk this task on you.
You see my voice was truly my gift, but that along with my freedom is now the property of one Ixiris Moxley. He is dangerous being Dorian and I caution you not to seek me beyond this evening, should he know that I am courting while making coin for his coffers he will surely take more than my voice. Thank you again Dorian I will treasure these bright moments among my darker days.

Truely Nerdalye