Session 1 Plot in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 1

Amberjack and Velouria have got off the boat from Serpent Spire.
Met Wharf-master Odo Pluelock
Today was the Day of Golden Trade
He mentions Grundells Gemposium for potential engagement bands missing the queue that they are not in love.
They watch a Battlebot fight involving Master Yondro Bentagia against a Dwarf boy, they also meet Master Yondro Bentagias Council and assistant Barnibus "Barnie" Sprockernockt

Calista leaves the caravan
Speaks with Theodore Tumblin
Directs to docks
Bumps in to Drayen "Dray" Kodergh
Dray takes Calista to the wildcard tournament at the docks

Posey also meets Theodore Tumblin
he compliments her fine manners
she also notices some sun elves returning from their yoga retreat at Selunes Rest
Posey's hair gets tangled up with Flowers of ocean blue petals stuck in her hair.
These flowers seemingly a gift from a nobleman to his wife

Dorian comes barrelling through the Caravan with the scent of these flowers in his nostrils, he seems so enamoured by them. He speaks with them briefly as the life fades from their petals. Then in his happy go lucky mood he follows along with Posey as he seeks answers to a coin he was given by an old friend Orzhov
The party then gather to watch one of these battlebot fights. The fight is between Master Venren Ghastalt and Calista - Their bots Calista's bot Bug and Venrens Bot Gorkovski's Destroyer VXIII.
The Battle goes a miss and Bug shoots a beam of dark shadowy energy from his eye. Seemingly spawning some Shadow Mephits and a Meazel. The Meazel snatches Master Venren Ghastalt and then disappears

After the fight the team go to Temple of the All Knowning and meet with Gordala Kelpkeep
She sees through a scrying Mirror that Master Venren Ghastalt is stuck in a cage in the Steam works.

The party rest and in the morning Posey then makes the breakfast before descending to the Steamworks.
They descend into the under-works and archives of the temple they give some food to Num Nums the archives guard. They find some old archives and while there seems to be some information about a schematic that Calista was trying to find - the pages seem to be void of important information. Amberjack is able to locate the secret entrance into the Steamworks and the party takes their steps into their first dungeon.