Session 10 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 10

General Summary

The party were desperately looking for someone to resurrect Drayen "Dray" Kodergh. They realised quickly they will need a Diamond, but given the wealth already within the city any diamond big enough was already purchased by nobles with far deeper pockets.

On their walk back through the town they noticed two boys playing near a well, however pushed on to see the long line of other locals desperately seeking the aid and healing hands of the clerics of Pelor, God of healing, sun and summer at their main temple Temple of the Blazing Sun.

Making your way back to the Temple of the All Knowing you realised that no-one had the diamond you needed. After a brief chat with Shay, she informs you of how to get to Shabarirus, she offered to mind Dray's body while you seek the required component.
You learn of a trick to enter the Wailing Lady from the rear door, in doing so you meet with Madam Larrien Kazvienne who is very excited to see Posey in her Extensis robes and tries very hard to discuss how clever her son is and all of her life up until now. Able to deftly dodge her questions you make your way back to the familiar quarters of Yigraz for your reward and to potentially bargain for a diamond. You discover that he is part of an organisation known as Hydra, they deal with the less legal side of trade.
He offers you a contract to retrieve a tome. He is very cautious about giving you further details and it seems this particular book is very important to him.

You opt to decline as your concerned about Yigraz's ties and what he may plan to do with this book. Dorian asked around a table of female Pirates and they give their names as Yiella, Portus, Festern, Goleisti and they are just killing time while their ship gets repaired. Their boat called the Verillian Devil - described to have Crimsons sails and a bust of a man holding a sabre at the front of it.
You see Hareila and she is exhausted with the amount of resurrections requested within the city and you see 5 burning gold bands down her arm - marks of failed resurrections. She may be able to help you but will need a day or two.
As you were about to leave you notice Vestern leaving a small room with one of the servant ladies, they looked like they were.... Busy... He looks to strike further conversation with Velouria and Dorian quickly picks up on the hard rejection and intercepts him before he can make further advances.

Making their way to the Steamworks to encounter Shabarirus the party decide to split - having Amberjack take the main entrance and the rest through the steam works. LUCKILY for Amberjack there was nothing too ominous at the bottom of the bay and he was able to make his way in to the chamber of the OCD Dragon. The rest swim through the Steamworks unharmed and make their way in to Shabarius' lair, as they approached Calista noticed that due to the salt water her clockwork companion the Spider seems to have seized and stopped working, something she may need to work on later. They see rows and rows of neatly placed objects but 2.5 inchs apart in perfect order. Candles burn with a deep blue glow and the party saw Shabarius trying to figure out where to put his latest prizes some Silver vases.

He is startled initially but comes around to the party and is willing to trade one of his diamonds for 4 secrets, a visit once a month and a Sloop (Small ship) to place between the other ships that he has currently.
The party agree and trade off their secrets, Dorian agrees to visit him in his dreams and Calista made a toy ship. The Toy ship however did not meet the agreed size that Shabarius needed and he pointed them in the direction of an abandoned Sloop (Likely the ship) of the Pirates that the party fought earlier in the Steamworks.

Together swimming back through the steamworks the party found a scouting party of Sahuagin seemingly searching for something in the reedy beds where one Archivist Tobire Gotzwynn was found. They attacked and tried to retreat but none were able to escape the clutches of the BBs, as the final blows of battle took place, a surge of Amberjacks powers are too great and he turns into a Octopus for the next 4 hours.

Destroying the search party they began to inspect the bodies of the recently departed.
Report Date
22 Aug 2020