Session 11 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 11

General Summary

The party found the bodies of 3 Sahuagin in the water 2 with trident marks and one half of a torn, they see swirling deep below them a huge black shadow as it comes closer it a gnarled alpha shark hungry and feeding on the fresh corpses found in the water.

The party swam to the sloop and found it was already being raided by Koalinth, a fight broke out and before defeating all of them, their leader wanted to parlay.

They were searching for an artifact of theirs the Umbershell, which was stolen from their aquatic temple in the cannonball run. They are fanatic followers of a Sea Priestess Kahunta

He reveals his name to be Kihorharunas or Kihor for short. He and his men had been hunting down the Pirates and the Sahuagin given he knew they had dealings with each other and one may lead to the other.

Boat is named the Brine Burst
Calista spent time repairing and now naming her clock-work Spider named Pluto
Kihor informs the party they have found nothing on the ship but a bird below decks.

Posey started to try and work out some kind of cube she has been holding, revealing it to Calista and Velouria, As they worked on it they got to a point but have not seemed to be able to figure it out.
Posey is a Size A cup

Rewards Granted

12 red coral coins
86 silver pieces
12 gold pieces
1 Candle of the Deep
10 pressure capsules
Sekolahian Worshipping Statuette
Report Date
30 Aug 2020