Session 12 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 12

General Summary

The party remained aboard the Brine Burst and before they rested they had a hankering for treasure.
Amberjack from his memory of how most seafaring folk would hide their riches was able to uncover a few extra goodies
He found a Locket with ugly lady, a fine looking long blade but the greatest treasure of all was a small emaciated bird The unknown Bird yet to be called a name but instantly found a place in Amberjacks heart. The BBs also found a Tattoo Instrument - with the markings of PTR-0061 Portence Timren Rochester a Kurian inventor.

Within the large crates was a sail that was Deep purple with tentacles coming from a toothy maw depicted on it and 150ft of rope.
Seeking further treasure Amberjack tapped away at the boards finding a loose board under the table. A loud bang went off and a trapped pistol was found to be the culprit, Calista and Amberjack continued to pursue treasure after plugging the hole that the pistol made. Calista pocketed the pistol and they found two chests. The chests were very heavy but Amberjack was able to lift one to the hole they had made. Opening it they found 250gp and a small ebony and ivory wooden box.
The second was far heavier and unable to be moved so easily, Calista able to skillfully open the very intricate locks on both chests saw a small orange bead before a large explosion broke through the hull of the boat. The blast ripped through Amberjack, Calista and Claude but Dorian was able to rush to Calistas aid before any true disaster occured. However whatever treasure that may have been in chest was now melted to the chest floor. All bar a necklace of these similar orange beads which Calista took.

As everyone found rest Velouria used her cantrip to cleanse the smelly hammocks of their masculine pirate stench and replaced the smell with fragrances of home for the girls. The smell of a Greathall and food cooking for Velouria, Sandle wood for Calista, Rain hitting leaves for Posey.
Amberjack and Posey woke first needing only 4 hours sleep. Posey got to work on the cube while Amberjack tried to open up ebony box. A small green vial went off and he was paralysed for the next 3 hours, Posey decides after playing with the cube to recount her understanding of the ocean to Amberjack while he was in his state. Able to be free of the paralysis some 3 hours later and relieved to be away from Posey. Amberjack and Posey waited for the others to wake.

During his Slumber Dorian was visited by a man seeking his aid.
In the morning after Posey had finished playing with the cube she had found a few extra goodies, she waited eagerly for Calista to wake and for her to identify them.
When she did she realised they were boots of Winterkind and an ominous quarterstaff made of glass with a shard similar to that which currently holds Claude's soul.
Calista pressed for answers and though Posey didn't wish to reveal them to everyone she was able to find a quiet moment to share her thoughts with Calista.
The others decided to do yoga instead while Dorian played he couldn't help but notice the tight form fitting clothes that Velouria is wearing, Velouria was not peterbed by this at all and Amberjack was happy just focusing on his poses. Posey and Calista came to the deck after their chat and while Posey was ducking to hide away from the birds that were way off in the distance Calista noticed the attracting gaze of Dorians.

Total EXP - 55 exp
Report Date
06 Sep 2020