Session 13 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 13

General Summary

The party wake in the morning aboard the Brine burst, they enjoy a yoga class hosted by Velouria and begin to look at the challenges that may occur in the day ahead.

Dorian excited to share his dream with someone, elects to speak with Velouria about it. How he must seek out these instruments of Altirezi Wurst - he requires a Lute, Lyre, Drum, Flute and Violin and he maybe able to lift the curse currently afflicting Thalia Theroli.

The party get Calista to identify a few additional magic items they find on the boat. A sword that shimmers like moonlight dancing across the sea and a sail that has magical properties, however the sail seems to come with more nefarious intent than they knew. The sail has the very obvious markings of a pirate ship, the 8 tentacles extending from a large toothy maw, signalling ill intent and certainly would not be welcome in Port Marguerite.

The party begin to deliberate for quite some time on if to use the sails or not, and finally elect to give everyone a roll and proceed on to port trying to manoeuvre the boat under the guidance of the newly appointed Captain Amberjack.
Amberjack began to give out positions based on his thoughts of their expertise.

Sail Master - Posey

Rigger - Dorian

Gunner - Calista

Powder Monkey... Senior Powder Associate - Velouria

With their new roles assigned most took to them, Posey deftly moving the sails, Dorian flexing his show muscles and rigging beautifully and Calista working on the cannons to achieve optimum output. Velouria electing to just kick the gun powder across to Calista and continue to work on her art piece for Dorians "Battle Boobs" Tattoo.

Along the journey there was an outcropping of rocks and while Amberjack started to give orders to move out of it's direction Calista took the opportunity to practice her cannon work. Squaring up the cannon and correctly following the process to load and fire, she took aim. With a little magical tinkering and know-how it was a critical success! The rocky outcropping and flock of gulls picking away at the small fish that were darting in and out where blasted to dust. Dorain and Posey coping the brunt of this with the feathers passing over the boat and getting caught in Posey and Dorians hair and wool (respectively).

Amberjack spots what he originally believed to be a small island out to sea, but on further inspection realised it was moving at a similar pace them, potentially a large shell, he signalled to Velouria (who had been upgraded for Powder associate to Powder Associate / First Mate) to get the flags. Picking up all flags that where Yellow and Blue as instructed, Amberjack forgets which one exactly was the seeking parlay or communication. Electing for a flag that he thought was correct, but in fact was calling for someone to come pilot for them.
The Dragon Turtle dove underwater and then breached right next to boat, introducing himself as Markieth he would be happy to aid them for a small sum of gold. The party decide to enlist the aid of Markieth and with that he is able to cut the travel time in half as his powerful gargantuan Dragon Turtle form drags them quickly to Pincer Pass.
Along the journey Posey takes time away from the harsh sea winds forming from the front of the boat and has a moment looking back at the path they have come from, noticing a dolphin playing in the swell the boat created, and a small school of flying fish it was trying to catch for lunch.

Markieth gets you to Pincer Pass and while questioned by the guard a stern look from Markieth they ask no more questions and allow you entry.

As you enter Port, Markieth pops you on a large but robust bubble of air as he uses his incredible lung capacity to essentially inhale the boat to the lair of Shabarius.
He smiles and leaves you and gives you a great big wave to catch and ride all the way in to shore.
The ride was beautiful for most of you, Velouria feeling some kelp wrap around her leg gets distracted and drops off the back of the wave having to swim the balance of the way back in to port, making up for it with a brilliant bay watch style performance on the beach catching the attention of the guard patrolling the western tower.

Dorian and Posey land graciously on the dock while Calista and Amberjack don't quite nail the timing and get winded as they crash in to one of the pylons on the pier.
Now on land and Posey's hair full of sea debris, our party make their way to the temple of Pelor - they meet with Naytrion their clerk, a rather exhausted sun elf that has been dealing with the disgruntled nobles of Port Marguerite looking to resurrect their loved ones.
Seeking an audience with Harelia he informs you of her station in the third room of their Medicus, when you open the door you see a dejected and frustrated Heralia trying to raise the corpse of a noble Elven woman.
She welcomes you and explains the difficulties she is having resurrecting the people that have come in. She requests if she could speek with Krixxen who is the head carer of the Order of the Timeless, the party oblige sneaking out the back of the temple and head straight to the more familiar Temple of the All Knowing.

You head in to see a new face at the secretarial desk, a Dwarven male - likely in the early stages of his youth. He announces himself as Dartren, he originally confuses the party for Shay as he has a brief guide on the rankings and members of the order, but not informed of the Battle Boobs, the Extensis court of Posey. He blushes and seems instantly smitten by the commanding presence yet elegant features that Posey carries. He bashfully informs of the disks and realises you already would have understanding of that. As you leave Velouria adds further fuel to the fire by explaining that she is single.
Making your way to Shay you get the familiar calling from Valepo the Pixie Guardian of Shay's quarters. She eventually lets you in, seemingly mid way through a tattoo for Shay, frustrated she returns to her Fey Quarters.
Shay informs you of Krixxen's chambers and Posey notices that there has been or still is a connection between Shay and Harelia. Most of the party choose to go meet with Krixxen but Velouria stays behind to speak with Shay.

Meeting with Krixxen a crotchety silver dragonborn, he informs you of his findings. He discusses that be believes that the souls are not headed to the River Styx or the Celestial Channel the dividing path ways for souls that are going through their first steps in the afterlife.
These souls are being siphoned into a different place, a place that seems to boarder the Shadowfel and the shadow realm. The Shadow realm is home to old titan Umbraxio and the Shadowfel a bleak duplicate of the material plane of Kaomora.
Krixxen shows he too has had failures in his attempts to revive those few who have been bought to his chambers. He feels that modifying the original incantations around the raise dead spell to include an opening to this sector of the shadow realm / shadowfel may create a new passage for the souls to travel through.

Now armed with this knowledge the party return to see a comforting smile across Shay's face and cigarette smoke slowly pluming away from Velouria. Shay returns the body of Dray and Harelia begins the ritual, the party notice Amberjack begin to sit an meditate, while unaware he is actually channelling a new found power within him as a horizon walker, he attempts to walk between the planes and guide the soul of Dray back to his body.
During the spell the party witness a small mote of golden energy beam forth from Harelia's chestplate consuming the diamond and as the mote starts to flicker, a golden glow comes over the body of Dray and as his gaunt features begin to plump to their familiar origins, you notice golden locks of hair forming across his head. He is confused but ecstatic to be alive.

He mentions hordes of undead around every corner only to realise he is no longer in his house and no longer on whatever plane of existence he was originally experiencing.

So excited to see everyone he gave you all a great big hug and quizzically suggested that you go back to his place to celebrate. On returning you notice the corpses of the shadowy figures that originally felled your dear friend.

He mentions to Dorian of a false brick, knowing Dorians love of secrets he gets him to tap away and find an old bottle of wine, the bottle hailing from Rosedale in the Solumair Mountains a prominent wine region near Serpent Spire.
Beside the bottle was an old dusty note from Drays father, reading that when Dray achieves position he is proud of that he may enjoy it's success with the friends he has made along the way. Reading this brings a tear to Dorian's eye.

As you all sit down with glass in hand, Dorian drops the tone ever so slightly and says he has some very interesting news to share with you.

Character(s) interacted with

Markieth - Dragon Turtle
Dartren De Rostas - Young Dwarven man in the Temple of the All Knowing
Veloon Raylieta - Assistant to Hareila
Naytrion Sune'liesta - Secretary at Temple of the Blazing Sun
Krixxen - Illumis of care giving at the Order of the Timeless
Velepo Courtier of Shay
Report Date
08 Sep 2020