Session 14 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 14

General Summary

The party arrive back at Dray's and he begins to celebrate opening a bottle of his best wine. Dray suggests he loves them wearing his jumpers but its too hot and they may get heat stroke.

  Dray informs party of Shadowy place he was before. Sad and colourless, with husks of men and skeletons roaming everywhere, he noticed a man in Green Robes, gaunt features, wearing a pointy Green hat, long fingernails and a black staff.

  Posey Braiding drays hair with seashells in it and tells him to leave it in over night and enjoy tomorrow.

Posey then proceeds to drink too much wine.

The party begin to discussions around the dinner table.

  Dorian comments on the differences between the Fey wild and Kaomora, that he recalls that the Red Mesa is actually a series of Red Toadstools in the in the Fey Wild and home to a large population of Pixies.

  Dorian informs the party of his god Pan and the gods love of wine, laughter and fun. Dorian also requests Velouria to tuck him in at night after she aids him by drying the rest of his wool after his bath.

  Dray a little drunk at this point thinks a brilliant idea is to make a shooter slide, he gives the party the option of Fireside Whiskey or Wine.
Calistsa takes this queue as nothing good will come of this and heads to bed. Dorian catches his whiskey shot perfectly, as does Amberjack and surprisingly Posey as well, Posey the passes out on the couch, Amberjack heads to sleep and Dorian requests his tuck in from Velouria.

  Velouria asks Dorian about what love is, he describes the feeling as he drifts off to sleep after she tucks him in and kisses him on the forehead good night.

  Velouria returns to finish of her shooter slide, but doesn't get the timing right and instead cops most of the shot across her face. She casts prestidigitation to clean herself off and notices Posey has wine in her towel from when she fell off her chair, Velouria cleans that off her too.

Velouria has a brief exchange with Dray before they both turn in for the night, Dray takes this moment to instead of requesting a tuck in, tuck Velouria in instead trying to symbolise some level of assertion over his own life.

Everyone falls off to a blissful sleep.

  Calista dreams of a tower full of mechanisms and each stamped with CC - Dreaming of her self as a successful Kurian on the 3rd Tier of Kurioso Heights the highest Tier among them. Working away with the thick smell of metal and greese in her nose, that changes to the smell of cooking bacon on a fire.

Posey Dreams of a time she was training in Sabres Rest a young boy at the academy with curly black hair, green eyes and ruddy cheeks would always poke fun at her and throw pebbles. At a training class he had the opportunity to throw her hard at the mat only to catch her at the last moment, and whispered that her name suits her and she does smell like flowers. This still confuses Posey. The inertia she felt from being tumbled in her dream translates to reality as she feels a sickening feeling deep in her stomach.

Amberjack dreams of being on an Island drinking some refreshing coconut water, looking out over the ocean to a small pod of dolphins who wink at him and recount for him "don't forget us Prime Meridian" - there is also a log cabin house on this island, which looks out of place, the cabin at this point crumbles to salt and then his refreshing drink starts to taste of seawater and brine before the smell of bacon hits his nostrils.

Dorian dreams of a blissful meadow in the fey wild, fields of wild flowers and the fragrance of Spring dancing through the fields he notices the party each with ribbons in their hands twirling around a fire, they are all at peace and enjoying the delights he finds so familiar. Calista and Claude start to dance away from the group and form their own circle in a field of wild yellow flowers. Dorian joins the adults and at the dance, everyone's clothes melt away and you begin to revel in each others company. The warmth of the Springs day dances across each of your bodies and the smell of wine and love fills your senses. You spend the hours rolling through the fields finally laying in the tall grass and the smell of bacon curiously starts to waft across your nose.

Velouria dreams of a dream of pathways and different choices before too waking to the smell of bacon

Posey projectile vomits the wine and food from the night before, carefully however avoiding her hair.

Calista poking Velouria with a mage hand to see if she is awake, no luck as Velouria chooses to ignore it and remain asleep.

Amberjack & Dorian wake to the smell of bacon and begins to eat the delicious meal dray has made for everyone.

Calista brews her idea of a tonic that may help with an upset stomach. Which is a great success, rapidly shortening the hangover that Posey has

Amberjack noticing the effects the night had on Posey and realising to himself that he may not get sick from alcohol like she does, but he does need to pee more than usual

Dray cooks for everyone

Eggs / Bacon / Sausage / Toast

Dray hands his Note over to Velouria to send to his Dad. Which Velouria will totally read.Drays Letter to Keogh

  Velourias Celestial Markings now showing as golden lines on her forearms.

  Velouria's mission get Posey her first Kiss.

  Posey once her hangover fades realises she can lip read.

Finds a copy of Seaford Bell Ed322 the local newspaper and Posey is now excited about being in the paper and being immortalised in print.

The party pick up supplies for the journey ahead. Food and Amberjack buyers 3 quivers of arrows totalling 60 arrows.

At this point Calista notices that Claude is more rebellious this morning than usual, he defiantly kicks his shoes off and then instead of holding her hand as usual, he goes to Amberjack for his guidance. While this angers Calista she picks up his shoes and sets off on her path for the day. This however continues throughout the day and his fondness towards Amberjack is noted.

They decide to make another trip back to the brothers forge for more armour
Calista looking for half plate armour, Amberjack studded leathers and Velouria looking for the same.

Morghen Bogroth explains he can sell them the lot for 420gp worth of material for half plate armour and he will make the other two Studded leather pieces for Amberjack and Velouria.

  Velouria requests Shimmering Blue and white Studded leather

  Calista wishes to stay stay and help them make the armour. while the others venture to The Cavalier in preparation of purchasing their horses.
Report Date
10 Sep 2020