Session 17 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 17

General Summary

The party woke to the heavy foot falls of a large unknown beast. A beast that tore away Posey and Dorians Tent, their standing a solid 9ft 4' tall was one hulking 4 armed Gargoyle, they later realised after a few moments this was the towering form of Jasper who had come searching for them after they left him to save Drayen "Dray" Kodergh.

Realising quite quickly that he has deep rooted abandonment issues they allowed him to stay and he remained to take watch with Amberjack, they got up to some shenanigans and Amberjack realised quickly that he needs to work on creating a calming melody on his flute, which he almost choked on while flying with Jasper.

After their antics they sat down and discussed their lives and Jasper discovered that Amberjack is an orphan, at this age the Gargoyle seemed to not be particularly good on social queues and kept pressing for further discussion. As light started to break Amberjack went to rest and Posey was up on Jasper minding duty... I mean watch... After a brief discussion Posey realised that Jasper is a bit if a blabber mouth and spent a lot of time talking about what he had learnt from Amberjack. He continued to eat the stones around the fire till Posey replaced them with stones that wouldn't catch the camp on fire.

Posey and Jasper then practice yoga and begin to meditate - at this point Posey notices Jasper start to form back to stone as a calm washes over him.

The party pack up their equipment and as day breaks head to the beach, Posey makes everyone a nice dried fruit and herb tea and the party make their way to the beach. On the journey Calista questions Posey about Nina the half Orc Wizard and the story she just read, Calista seems very very interested in the knowledge that Posey has acquired and seeks further reading. This time on Twiggy Janes book 1001 uses for twigs.

Amberjack follows a beam of light that is coming from the Amulet of Lolth which leads to the same spot that Dorian had seen the night before. Posey notices a bird that seems to be suspended in the sky, Dorian plays a little tune and the bird flies down to everyone bobbing its head away to the beat, Amberjack throws some seed down and the bird eats it. Amberjacks bird The unknown Bird gets jealous as Dorian plays a small song for a seagull and decides to land on Claude instead and seems unimpressed with Amberjacks lack of loyalty. Velouria feels a burning sensation in her arms before a surge of radiant energy courses across her forearms, the pain is intense but she says she will be okay.

Dorian steps toward toward the sphere, feel his weight shift to the right and as he movements slow he feels the familiar motion of a planar shift occurring. Stepping forward he is greeted by the view of a very small fishing village almost.
It was described as The buildings architecture dates back many decades if not centuries in it's styling, the roofs are slightly pitched and covered in sheets of clay. The timber panelling on the buildings looks a little amateur at best but you can see improvement in their designs from one building to the next. There are large machines each plated in dark iron and forged for purpose, some for heavy lifting others for precision movements but all seem to be focused on construction. There is a ship being repaired in the dockyard and a few stalls with simple wears are positioned in the centre of the town. There are strings of festoon lights however replacing the lights are small balls of darkness that seem to radiate negation (anti-light).

You are greeted very warmly from a Deep Gnome named Laefriel Sure-Meadow she introduces herself and the rest of the townsfolk of Old Port Qualienta, They are all still adjusting to life in the sun and wear sunglasses with shards of obsidian glass in them. Laefriel is very excited to write down and document each of you and what you're doing. She exclaims she is the first Deep Gnome that has been admitted to the The Order of Enduring Knowledge. Dorian asked the current year and she responded with 748 a vastly different year from the year 1086 that the party had been adventuring before. She enquired if you were sent by Lady Marguerite Loxel as they had requested the aid of adventurers to rid them of an issue of their past. At this moment a fight broke out as a swarm of spiders and Chitine spewed forth from the Well. The party able to easily dispatch of these troops. Post fight Calista looks to another smaller gnome who is working away on a small droid. He introduces himself as Olista Bolt-light they converse of creation and tinkering and Calista aid's him in the solar trap he is trying to create to power what he will now coin as a battle bot.

Amberjack looks back to the place that they came through and noticed when he put his finger through the protective bubble his finger turns to a skeleton and the army of the dead and the legion of devils are still very much locked in a heated battle. Looking over at the boat Amberjack noticed the familiar marking of green and sunny raise that are the same marking of the Loxel Guard.

Olista aids the party by using one of his construction robots to shoot a rope down for them to use as the party land at the bottom of the well the notice that the path ahead snakes along and it is covered in webbing, webbing that seems to not burn away as easily as they had hoped.

Further along a corpse of a deep gnome seems to have small creatures wriggling away under the surface, a few blasts of fire deals with the rot grub infested body, as they round the corner however they see chittering legs and cocooned webbing. Amberjack hunters marks a creature as it paces back and forth behind the webbing.
Report Date
25 Sep 2020