Session 18 & 19 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 18 & 19

General Summary

The party descended into the unknown horrors that awaited them.
The Battle boobs fought their way room by room of this webbed labyrinth. The first two rooms housed Rust Monsters that seemed to guard the decaying bodies of failed slaves, while the next room had Carrion Crawlers and Stirges that seemed to guard old forgotten steel and adventuring equipment. Both sets of monsters hungry for their next meal, they descended on the party nearly tacking Amberjack down. They were able to dismantle each of these hordes of enemies successfully and went on to find a sentient bag named Quibbles Quibbersack of Holding.
Lurking deeper within the cave network were far more formidable foes the Chitine, Ettercaps and Giant Spiders began their assault on our adventurers, they moved with purpose and our team twigged they were smarter than the average of their kind. They used a network of webs to communicate with each other.

Calista also detected Claude's movements were sharpening and his abilities grow stronger.
The party pushed forward towards a room filled with flying bone daggers flung from Chitines who wore horrific leather armour stitched from the faces of dead drow and deep gnomes.
Badly injured the party retreated to a small alcove to try and rest but were pursued by two large hulking beasts rest does not find them at this moment.

The larger beasts were Ettercaps, they pursued the party but in the darkness cast by Velouria they seemed gravely concerned, one tried to flee but caught in levitate by Dorian and struck down by Posey.

They rested the corpse gently back on one of the web lines seemingly giving the idea to those listening to the webs movements that all was back to being okay.
The party rested and took a moment to regroup. Pressing on they discovered this webbed network and more Ettercaps and chitines awaited them. The fight raged on and they made their way to a main chamber they noticed a large hole in the middle that lead to a sacrificial alter below. There they saw the arch-bishop of Lolth that had been horribly disfigured into a Choldrith. She along with her Chitine lay assault to the party but with their vitality restored these pesky spiders were no match for the battle boobs.

Laying waste to her and her followers, but one remained wistling a horrid tune on a flute made of bone. He fell to the abyss below and as he did. The horrid sacks of venom above began to hum and explode - covering most of the party with horrid poison.

Calista noticed a large spear and pair of slippers along with some robes and a sack of coins found within the alter. After their victory the three globules of dancing light returned and gave furhter council to the Battle Boobs explaining that the chains are important in keeping the balance between the light and the darkness, that this chain while attached to the shadowfel is essential to keeping order and balance between all things. The party took their warning seriously and agreed to keep the chains in place.
Our adventurers returned victorious to the residences of Old Port Qualienta and a great feast was had. Olista Bolt-light and Calista Cannith hit it off discussing all things inventions and while Olista was originally going off some poor dating advice from Bakuri Umbral light he soon returned to his usual geeky self and the two of them after dinner retreated to his tinkering shop to work on some new style ammunition for her gun that utilised the venom glands of the rust monsters.
Posey spoke further with Laefriel Sure-Meadow regarding the The Order of Undying Knowledge discovering that it was the idea of one Kahrazoon, who wanted to create an order dedicated to the teachings of Ioun, the Knowing Mentor. This deeply puzzled Posey but not before discussing the need only for a first name, something that Laefriel Sure-Meadow found very intriguing. Dorian drank the blood wine and realised that it wasn't exactly the stuff he believed as good wine, Xion'Go Alestorm then went to get a cask of ale they had taken from Lady Marguerite Loxel's vessel that was in repair. Many an ale was drunk that evening and before each turned in for the evening Dorian Delphinium turned down the advances of the two Drow maidens Siek'tali Moonsong and Zen'ti Shadowbreak and even an awkward shot across the bow from Xion'Go Alestorm. The party noticed that as they were discussing with Tondra Dreamweaver about where to stay for the evening that she froze in time as five bolts of light crashed forth from the sky. These figures dazzling and angelic introduced themselves as Solaric Council a band of the divine sent to deal with the darkness that overshadows this place. They spoke boldly about ensuring that the light maintain its hold over the dark, however their leader a beautiful female Aasimar used a strong divine spell to detect any evil, noticing none was present and slightly confused she agreed that all evil had been dealt with here and that they were to report back to their deva To'Reli of their findings. In a flash they were gone as fast as they came and the party resumed their actions once more. Dorian requested to be tucked in and Amberjack obliged. Amberjack enquired to lessons in playing the flute and in exchange for a secret Dorian was happy to assist. Amberjack trusting of Dorian told him of his past, that he was found by the shores of Mist Peaks and that he was raised by another Sea Elf named Yellowtail. He did not know his parents and one day he may wish to seek them out. Full of further questions but now tightly tucked in Dorian succumbed to the slumber that awaited him. Before Amberjack was able to make his way to bed Posey placed a cube in his hand the The Arcanis Coded Cube and instructed him not to return it to her regardless of how much she asked in her sleep.

Velouria communed with a shadowy figure before too turning to sleep.
Our brave heroes awoke to a very different setting than the small cabit style sleeping quarters they found sleep the night before. The next day they each awake to a large room, 8 beds each with side tables and a pillow cushion shaped like a pair of boobs wearing armour. They are in a big room in a tavern, light breaks through the windows as morning welcomes them and you hear the chatter of local folk from the street below, looking around the room you see brave depictions of spiders with arrows shot through them, a very muscular female wood elf with her head crashing through the skull of a Chitine, a small girl with bleach white hair pointing a very old mechanical pistol with a plume of smoke at the end, the pistol pointed towards a chain painted on the other side of the room and magical arcane sprockets weaving around almost healing the chains, there is a very curvy full figured angelic woman flicking her wild locks of hair back, as the light shines from her there are spiders recoiling in agony and panning across to right near the door you see a male satyr who is incredibly muscular, strumming away on an old lute and stomping on the skull of a fallen Chitine, the other leg crests across the door and the door handle is precariously placed between his legs. The door handle however is not in proportion with the rest of the mural, it seems smaller than it should be and finally there is the tall sea elf figure bow string taught and you see the eye line that connects the start of the painting with the end.

The party last heard a commotion coming from downstairs as the day welcomes a more peaceful start than the day before.
Report Date
04 Oct 2020