Session 25 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 25

General Summary

Party finds scrap of white cloth that appears to be part of a garment.
3 Rings linked together with a crack in it.
  Calista repairs the rings and reform the rings and put pearls in them and form a new shadow portal.
  They find a Barb devil and his cackling companions pull through before attacking the party.

  The Barbed Devil Said to Velouria that her father would be proud

  Dorian picks flowers for everyone
Blue bell tubers - Relaxing and 4 hp return
Fire dancer Flowers - Horny goat weed

  Dorian sees a spectral form of Thalia dancing off in the forest and sees that parts of her body are fading away, her finger tips are skeletal and her flesh has began to rot.
Dorian mood sours - Thalia dancing but necrotic flesh is occuring

  Dorian copped a stiff on the way into town from Velouria giving him the Fire dancer flower that he keeps against his skin for too long.
  Dorian proudly discussed their dismantling of the Venemantis threat with the guards - who seemed a little dumb and impressed with Dorians boner.
  Dorian did a spectacular display of athletics as his horse bound towards him. He excited 3 elderly women of the town who each gave him a 10
  The party learnt that there was once a man that was hung like a horse named - Ol' Jeffrey.
  Velouria spoke to the horses - Boret to poop in Posey's sleeping bag, Learnt that Nictaeus doesn't like the rain.

  Amberjack - learns from Nat Pagel of Curiel Leumeridan a sailor of old who Nat said he looked like the spitting image of Amberjack and that Curiel did a deal with Countess Master Zebek and the two of them were swallowed by a Kraken over 300 years ago and the seas of Kaomora have been calm ever since.

  Offered in for tea with Jark each sits to chill - Posey has no chill and slams down scolding hot tea.
  Jarks' waiter also named Jeffery an unseen servent brings her a new cup of tea.
  The party sit down to relax with Jark and he says that Velouria has the markings of being a Descendant of Malkizid.
Report Date
25 Nov 2020