Session 27 in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 27

Left Garsanta

  Picked up potions at the cost of a dick drawing from Dorian

  A large snake with the face of a human told Amberjack not to be afraid of the water.

  Found footprints and blood in the desert sands near their stone statue they were told of - but didn't find Highmek

  Posey gave Amberjack to Grill a mockingbird

  They got caught in a sandstorm, found their way to a phrase written in red scrawlings - translated to dwarvish.
It read Stopping station and Exchange point
Red Reavers Run

"thieves may pay the toll or pass with slave delight"

Party paid 1gp each and the words enchanted and walked into the Red Reavers hideout.

  The party settled down for the evening and Posey took first watch with Calista.
Posey noticed the red ribbon of energy dance across the dome but didn't read too much into it.
Calista spotted two imps flying around the ceiling - hit with faerie fire then they vanished.
Posey plays with cube, wakes party up a few times. Does not go through cube gate.
The emblems created are Arctic Winter, A large Tree, Ocean with crashing waves, desert dunes, Blazing Sun and a swirling orange ball of energy.
Notices that emblems appear and then the cube creates an old oak door - the door has the markings of Kahrazoon.
Peers inside to see a portrait of a much younger Kahrazoon surrounded by other wizards, one is a Dwarf, the other a Gnome but the then the door began to quake and close.
They don't enter the door and the door begins to melt back into a cube.
Fight goes on and the BBs lost.
Calista is given the chance to join given she has taken the oath with the hook.
Put in cages and bound up.
Calista commands Claude to go invisible.