Session 3 Plot in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 3

The party found the room they were in rapidly filling with water - a few vain efforts to stop the process resulted in humorous outcomes to Umberlee, goddess of the sea - Posey also joined by adding a petal from her hair to the face of the maiden on the door out the front. Doing so also sealing her fate. The Room filled with water and as the party expelled the last air from their lungs 5 drowned maidens of the sea then broke from the statues kissing each of the players with their briny lips and giving them the ability to communicate and also breath underwater for 1 hour.
 As the doors open they cleverly formed a chain around the font in the middle of the room - preventing them from being swept into the salt works that was further down the corridor. Now with Gills adorning their necks the party pushed through the steam works stopping off at the curious crossover of the cleanliness in the northern tunnel and the general state found elsewhere in the caverns. Posey and Dorian deduced that the springy floor was indeed a hidden room and after much bouncing realised it was actually a trap that triggered a 20ft drop and though bruising was not fatal. They found an array of treasure and coins in this pit. However it came with the tune of bubbles and hissing coming from a Gelatinous cube that was bearing down on the party. The party aided them to get out just as the ooze spilt into the trap. Now able to make short work of this ooze the party destroyed it. Took it's gold and continued north.

They came to a dead end finding 3 glass vials with healing potions in them and an odd gold plate with Depoilt Crockery and Serving ware embossed on the back of it.
Dorian then rammed the loose bricks revealing a hidden pathway that had small bluey purple scales lodged in the sides of it. This connected with a main pathway that then lead to a large chamber. This is where they saw the exchange occurring between the Pirates and their captain Captain Charmick Debrov who was actually a Wereshark sporting the head of a hammerhead shark and an odd flame throwing contraption that seemed to be unreliable at best, and the later discovered Sahuagin a vicious race of deep sea dwellers. The fight broke out and while it was hard fought with both Posey and Calista suffering large injuries the heroes saved the day! Able to free the slave girl Catrella from the Sahuagin, but as they did they could hear the familiar cackling of the Meazel swinging on a cage that was hanging over the ocean in the cove. In this cave was the boy they were sent to rescue Master Venren Ghastalt - the Meazel dropped the boy into the ocean. But Amberjack was too clever able to turn the shark into a gold fish with his unknown powers and save Venren from a grizzly fate. Back on shore Amberjack noticed the Captain had foolishly hit the small goldfish. Which turned it back into the large shark which ate him. The shark then swam to the shore and announced in Aquan Thank you Prime Meridian for this meal before then returning to the ocean blue.

The party had a brief exchange with one of the Sahuagin however was able to gauge little from it given it couldn't speak their language. Setting him free, he disrespectfully then threw a lump of Coral at Venren striking him true and cutting him above his eye. This sparked a temper within Venren but the party calmed him down. Bloodied and bruised our heroes decided to take a rest with their new found treasure and friends in Master Venren Ghastalt and Catrella