Session 4 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 4

General Summary

Party Met - Archivist Tobire Gotzwynn , Kugren Gorben
Party went to - La Pode Gorben, Gorben and Gorben Auctioneers, Temple of the All Knowing
  3 cannonball holes in bow of The Merry Titan
Calista learnt of Olistar Copenski and his makings - though he did not associate as a Kurian.
Calista learnt of someone with CC initials buying a crystal and schematic from Kugren
Posey named the team the Battleboobs - Extensis Court.
Posey - learnt that Num Nums doesn't need meat but likes it.
Posey - wants to make Num Num's pants that fit him well
Gordalla - did not believe that the soulstone in the battlebot was real - She will investigate the pages and get Archivist to check it out.
Dorian Revealed his purpose to travel
Dorian learn that his lute was that of Altirezi Wurst who played to his Thalia Theroli his partner
Amberjack learnt that there is no knowledge of a Prime Meridian
Party Learnt of Shay - not met them yet.
Archivist Tobire Gotzwynn - scribed in the court.
Dorian learnt that his coin was a coin of luck and that the otherside of the coin is the coin of misfortune.
Depoilt is fine serving wear - found at the restaurant Le Pode and Drayen "Dray" Kodergh referred to the original maker being Mumphris Depoilt
They paid 16gp for their meal and tipped 1gp to the waiter a young Dwarf who was the Nehpew of the Matron - Didn't ask her name.
Learnt of Shifting Order - Extensis Court of Shay
Mary - Posey used the fake name Mary with Kugren Gorben
Velouria - Dagger of Preminition
Dorian - Doss Lute
Amberjack - Immovable Rod
Calista - Cloak of Protection
Shiny Chandelier - Dray - Stole
Report Date
24 Jul 2020