Session 5 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 5

General Summary

Left Gorben, Gorben and Gorben Auctioneers after filling up with some very nice magic items
They went and spent time at Sephrins Silken Tailors and he has started work on their orders.
Posey is getting well fitted silk with a blend of cotton and mohair cloth robes that are in keeping with the Extensis colours, 8gp.
50 silver for Num Nums new trackpants but Sephrin needs his dimensions
50s for the Blue Leather boots for Amberjack
Woven Stingray pants for Amberjack 3gp
Calista - Albino Fire Salamander Gloves, vest and pants and a Deep Blue undershirt. 15gp
Velouria - a Deep blue that turns to black at the bottom summer dress, that is laced with pearl dust which will shimmer when the light catches it. Form fitting at the top that then billows out elegantly to about 4 inchs above the knee
Floral Patterned blue silken blouse with white wild flowers, ballooning sleeves, cuffed shirt with fitted no collared neck. A pair of Dark Blue Linen / Mohair pants that have a white stripe down the outside edge. 18gp
Sephrin told Dorian that Pixies make his clothes in the fey wild
Learnt that Dray's family have a large farm in Fertile Fields and that he hasn't heard from his daddy in awhile
Learnt that Dray is a keen embroider and seamstress and he is seemingly making a jumper for Calista, his house has few but very expensive fittings.
Amberjack had a dream about the daughter of the sea - she sung her song, she appeared to be captaining a floating ship that had the head of a dead Kraken on the front of the boat, among a sea of black with stars glistening across it. When she looked at him, he was then jolted back to Dray's House.
Going outside and looking at the nights sky he saw a ship made of the stars floating across the night and a jet of black shadow propelled towards the ground beside him and formed to be the Meazel they'd dealt with previously, chanting words of suffrage and ill torment.
The Meazel eventually knocked down Amberjack and roped Posey and then bamphed her to a fighting pit
Frustrated this wasn't the area of bloodshed he was hoping for he tried to escape but already heavily wounded, Posey finished him off, Breaking his spine twisting his head a full 360 degrees.
defeated the The Meazel of Marguerite and unveiled he had similar clothes to Mumphris Depoilt recalled by Dorian.
Posey asked around and met Hareila who informed her, she was under The wailing lady Inn and told the rest of the Band of Boobs where she was.
She spoke with Serpentus & Duke apologised for interrupting and learnt that their fight broke out over trying to ascertain why Lamby was turned to stone.
The party then met with Yigraz and his body guard Go'Dok and learnt of Go'Dok's troubles he was having with Lamby.
Yigraz asked for their aid and if they were able to find out what had turned Lamby to stone in exchange for 250gp
The party marched forth... But not before doing some more shopping at Bogroths Forge where they met the brothers Dhoedrin Bogroth the plain and Morghen Bogroth the fancy forge masters. Each skilled in Smithing one for practical wares the other for more ornamental or embellished equipment.
Calista picked up an Adamantine plated light shield
Amberjack a bronzed shield with two waves in the middle with two otters chasing each other
Dorian bought a deep blue studded leather chest piece and realised haggling was not effective with the brothers. But Calista found that paying compliments was
The party then set out further north and meet their sexy guard friend Vestern on their way out who may wish to see them later. He mentioned to Posey to give his regards to Shay when she sees them next.
The party ventured outside of the city travelling for two hours and came to the spot that Go'Dok Was talking of.
They spot a dog that has been turned to stone but before being able decipher why, they are sprung upon by a roaming band of Cockatrice.
One pecks Posey and she starts to feel a horrid stiffness starting to take hold of her body.
Two peck Amberjack but he is able to stave off the petrification and one even though it got the jump on Dorian clean missed.
Pick it up next week team <3 DD
Report Date
27 Jul 2020