Session 8 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 8

General Summary

This episode of the Battle Boobs - Session 8 - Blood in the Streets

The party recently dispatching of a band of dark mantles round the corner to see the familiar face of Vestern, a few spiny barbs punctured his armour but as usual with cigarette in hand he seemed in good spirits. The Battle Boobs came to his aid dispatching of the 5 core spawns with his aid, during the fight they noticed a tall Elven woman with tattoos etched across her chest. A skilled archer herself able to shoot down a few of the core spawn. Introducing herself as Shay she briefly exchanged about her quarters within the Temple of the All Knowing before heading back down the path you had cleared to try and aid any stray villagers / citizens.

As the fight raged on you could hear a cacophony of booms and crackles of thunder and lightning (very very frightening) from the near by street. Rounding the corner you saw a battle enraged Theodore Tumblin a few scratches and scrapes but predominantly fine he had dispatched multiple shadowfel creatures. As you passed by you saw another rift as a Demogorgon breached through.
He pushed you back to Mistress Exentria Ghastalt beckoning you to go through the back alley path to allow you to move on to the Temple. In an effort to aid Theodore you each volley a round of fire before leaving. injuring the beast but not before it lets out a deafening blast, blood starting to drip from the ears of the horses, citizens and Theodore himself.

Snaking through the back alley, the smell of refuse and rot stung your nose. breaking out into an eerily quiet street, you notice the path forks toward the temple and market district or back to the residential district. You choose the path of the Temple, making your way along the road you hear abyssal chanting coming from one Zaelix after a brief exchange it was revealed that this sinister being is related to Velouria's past. A further rift appears this time with a set of menacing birdfolk and another core spawn.
This fight however was heavily in the favour of the battle boobs able to make short work of the winged foes. You blast your way past but gazing down the street the winged form of Zaelix was replaced with that of an old weathered man. He disappears into the night.

You continue to make your way along to the Temple, the doors have been barricaded from the inside. Calista with an incredible show of strength smashes the door with a hammer splintering a gap in the main door. Peering inside you see a fight raging between one Num Nums and a few greater shadow beasts. Your minds race for a moment before collectively pushing against the door pushing through and coming to Num Nums aid. You do notice that the flesh on Num Num's face is torn and there are multiple gouges across his arms, legs and chest.

You find two of the beasts are able to shift through space, they are emaciated and wiry displacer beasts. The larger shadowy form of a ghast wailing on Num Nums. Looking up to the first level you see Archivist Tobire Gotzwynn frantically flicking through some old books.
The fight rages on with multiple moments were the battleboobs faced a grim reality of death. But pulling through and able to restore order to the temple. The Battleboobs were victorious for the day! Posey unfortunately after guzzling mutliple potions over a short course of time found the impact too much on her bladder and let out a little leak toward the end of the fight.

Num Num's informs you that Gordalla is down at the docks with an Elven man wearing a green cape, white gloves and has long blonde hair. He starts to go on about fairy wings, bubbles out their ears and other non-sense before you detect he was making up the description from there. He says that Shay is out fighting and that most of the other archivists, carers and patrons of the church are secured away on the upper levels.
After a long day / night of fighting you found your arms heavy, your knees weak and your bellies longing for food.

You leave Num Nums to guard the door and lower grounds.
Feeling that the worst is mostly over, you retreat to the mess hall and spa rooms.
Posey and Amberjack hurry off for a quick spa and freshen up, while the others retreat to the mess hall. Returning from their spa in matching robes and wrappings over their heads, you each take the given food options at the mess hall. Sandwiches both vegan and meat options as well as a opaque soup later revealed to be potato and leak. Healing you all up over the course of an hours rest, Amberjack a little too feeble to raise the sandwhiches to his mouth Dorian spots this and comes to his aid. Feeding him one sandwhich at a time. You then retreat to the spa's as a group for a heart felt discussion on the days events.

Before heading to bed Posey briefly stops off at Shay's quarters hears a scratchy voice at the door with beating wings, exclaiming she's not hear and then the familiar tones of Catrella comes through the door and reassures Posey she is just fine.

Now very tired you make your way to the dormitory, Dorian jumping quickly for the bed that juts out but 3 inches longer than the others, and insisting that Amberjack tuck him into sleep.
Sleep finds you all after an exhausting day.

At around 3am you all awake to the shrill crys of one Posey, you look over to her and she is in a cold sweat and jolted bolt upright.

What has startled Posey? Where was Gordalla going? Who is this mysterious man with ears made of bubbles?!
Report Date
13 Aug 2020