Session 94 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 94

General Summary

It has been fortold in hours of great peril champions will arise from the cosmos. Few know them but many know their name. The battleboobs - defenders of the realm and knights of the nipples.   They will be warmly welcomed by the villagers of Sabres Rest - which is now a milliatry village bustling with a vast and varied mix of fighters, brawlers, knights and champions. The Arcane quarters also hold host to wizards, warlocks and witches and the Divine District many an evangelical cleric, crusader and paladin who has been blessed by their diety with the purpose to rid the land of the demonic incursion.   Posey has been desperately trying to rally many to her cause, but while the demons seem to only be confined to the sands the other nations haven't cared much for her cause.   ---   The demon attacks have become more frequent and there are rumors spreading that they are also pushing into the drow settlements within the underdark.   If we do not put an end to them soon I fear their influence will spread.   Posey proposes that a small party could make their way into Angels fall while the armies assault the different fronts. This could potentially get them close enough to Umabel Skyfallen   She produces a tome - COCC Book of Brave inventions - one of those is a reverse polarity device designed to flip portals and banish all who have used them in the last 90 days back to the plane that they came from.   Surely one of Umabels elites will have the device on them! Ahem....   ---   Someone has to RP the reasons for the dwarves to come to the cause. Dwarves are currently distracted as a few of their mining operations have collapsed unexpectedly and they fear there is an unsettling in the earth at the moment.   (this is the demons burrowing through the earth setting up attack points to destroy the cities while their armies are fighting at angels fall). All armies attacking will leave only a few hundred devils to attack.   --- Towns to attack - 1D6 If devils lose drop % by 15 Port M - 25+ devils win Kurioso - 70+ devils over run Serpent Spire - 40+ devils win Hammerdeep - 50+ devils win Tobira Sanctuary - 95+ devils win Greywolf - 80+ devils win   ---   5 Demonic Army chiefs Bleached Bones - Ghri'kan Crook Horn Clan - Moz'lith Wing reavers - Kraw'zin Bile and Bane - Malkrozan The Damned - Bhalrendor   ---   6 armies BEATS - ABJ Silver Serpents - Velouria Dwarves (maybe) - Denri Harps Order - Posey Kahrazoon - Lucretia Automatons - Calista   --- Taylor Miller - floutist - wrote the book. Was actually Voanthe Natner   --- Vaonthe Natner --- Suldrem - The Goblin accountant --- Lost her arm to Sand sharks --- Din with a Wimple - Scouting and recon ---
Report Date
12 Dec 2022