Shimmer Stone Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Shimmer Stone

Brief History
A location that has been the marking point for many a traveller, shimmer stone sits isolated in the dunes. An easy vantage point for any who dare try to scale it. It has also gathered a following in years gone by as a lovers meet point. Many a name has been etched into the sandstone walls and these names sit across runes that seem to be reflective of a time that has since been forgotten.

Location description from afar
A very old stony protrusion from the ground. The large craggy surface is marred with odd depictions of gizmos and gadgets, whirling discs and other strange markings as well as much graffiti from passing travellers.

Ground cover
There is little more surrounding this site than sand, some stones and the occasional cactus

What you hear around you
Soft wisps of wind weave their way around the large structure, faint whistles catch the breeze as they squeeze through small crevasses and cracks.

Known or prominent Inhabitants
There was once a rumour of an old man who lived within the stone many moons ago but if he did he has likely perished. There has been the occasional sighting of larger flying pray using the flat top as a roost also, so caution is advised when visiting the area.