Suns reach woodlands Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Suns reach woodlands

Brief History
Suns reach has been seen as a sacred site for worshippers of Pelor, God of healing, sun and summer and on their holy day's pilgrims will make the trek to the Radiant Light Temple - Lumber from this forest is only allowed to be cut on certain holy days dedicated to Pelor and permission must first be sought and paid to the temple.

Location description from afar
Approaching from any angle the distinctive blonde birch trees are a sight to behold, their thick trunks and beautiful amber foliage creates an all year round autumnal picture.

Ground cover
The ground is covered in small soft-leaved shrubs and bushes, little goes to decay as even the forest floor seems to be bathed in light, on further inspection of the large blonde birch trees, you see the leaves are semi-translucent and not only capture light but also allow it to pass down to the smaller plants below.

What you hear around you
Chirping of happy birds, the occasional groan of a lumbering beast and the faint chants of prayer coming from the Radiant Light temple.

Known or prominent Inhabitants
Mostly Priests of Pelor and Large peaceful beasts.

Articles under Suns reach woodlands