The Dorian Effect - Pregnancy of Nerdalye Plot in Kaomora | World Anvil

The Dorian Effect - Pregnancy of Nerdalye

What will happen between Dorian and Nerdalye. She has run from him given she has a strong fear of falling in love with an adventurer. She traded her voice and all profits of her singing to free a fellow adventurer who was captured by Noxxarions men and sent to the Blood arena, she is a possession of Noxxarion and must return before dawn to play for him at breakfast or he will crush the vial that holds her voice forever.   Players can choose to get her voice back by trying to steal it from Noxxarion and her contract that binds her as a slave. There will be some devils that preside over the deals room - they are not easy scrolls to destroy. Find a way for them to destroy the contract.