The old verse of Ioun

Dear reader, you have been granted a gift from the all-knowing mother. May she guide you in your path to enlightenment and teach you the ways of shared creation, knowledge and faith   Chapter 1   The craft of knowledge keeping should be seen as a falsehood. The very definition of the word to keep is to store away. This holy text of Ioun, the Knowing Mentor will redefine what it means to harvest knowledge from your experiences. To share in tales, both legend and lore is to embrace the true spirit of Ioun, for rivers of knowledge flow two ways, upstream towards the consumer - when you're learning from others and gaining the blessed knowledge that is bestowed onto you as well as downstream when you get to bring the gift of new information and give that gift to the ears of those willing to hear it.   Chapter 2   Secrets are a sinful act, keeping knowledge from others when you know that information would be able to provide them with a greater purpose, choice or path is a true sin in the eyes of Ioun. It is a fine line a true disciple of Ioun must walk, a line between being boastful and unbecoming and reserved where voice is required. But the truth is a powerful force that must be wielded with finesse and skill. Knowing and sharing is not always a pleasurable process but it is the only way that knowledge can truly be shared and enlightenment can be reached for all.   Chapter 3   There shall not be hierarchy other than training within the true orders of Ioun - One has either passed their trials and blessed with the gift of giving or they are learning that path. For knowledge knows no boundaries, nor should command be established where knowledge is kept from others that seek it.   Chapter 4   To monetise libraries or halls of knowledge should only be done on the provision that said money is dedicated to the upkeep of the establishment and to provide opportunities to those who seek an education.   Chapter 5   To collect rare and interesting knowledge is one of the greatest acts of piety one can achieve in the eyes of Ioun, to return from a successful "gather" and share that knowledge with those parties most interested to hear it, is as close to holy euphoria as one can accomplish. It is on this note that I Kahrazoon leave you this final text and message. Seek and share all you know so we may create a greater Kaomora in the name of Ioun and all of Kaomora's inhabitants.   The second Seeker Yorgi Kahrazoon