Twisted Trunk Forests Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Twisted Trunk Forests

Brief History
Discovered originally by the old Kingdom of Zagari, this forest was the home to many firsts of the human settlement, the first bow, boat, instrument, handle and spear all came from the twisted wood. It was later discovered while great for objects require curvature it was a rather average building material. As such the forest grew wilder and so did it's inhabitants.

Location description from afar
The short twisting trees curly their way one around another and then again to the next, a snaking tangle of 12 - 18ft trees each with broad-reaching foliage creating a dense canopy that allows little light to pierce its veil. There are however interesting tunnels that seem to snake their way through the forest and appear to be an organic creation.

Ground cover
The ground is covered in much organic debris, fungus and rotting wood. small spiralling brambles and thorned vines also weave their way across the ground, many a long garment has met its match to one of these infamous thorns.

What you hear around you
The forest is usually eerily silent bar a scuffling of a creature snapping twigs and branches as it makes its way around the forest.

Known or prominent Inhabitants
There are rumours that a clutch of Nagpa call this forest home, and the twisting of the trunks occurred due their foul and corrupt magics. But then again it is just a rumour...