Ukal Character in Kaomora | World Anvil


Brief History
Ukal was born into a family filled with gifted mages, of which she was no exception. The only exception was the rest of her family were elves and she well... wasn't. While she attended the same finishing school for the arcane touched, her kin did not associate with her. Days before graduating she decided that she would find others who would accept her for what she can do, rather than what she looked like.

Personality in brief description
She is often quite reserved and prefers to speak almost entirely in Abysall. She is happy with the Irons tied as it allows her to flex her arcane muscles and while she appreciates the work is less than glamorous part of her feels that may be the life her kind should follow.

Their appearance
She is an ashen grey tiefling with deep black horns, amber eyes, black hair that turns to embers at the points and always wears long flowing mage robes with her arcane component pouch by her side.

What they sound like
She often speaks in hisses and shrieks as associated is the abyssal tongue. When she speaks normally she has an odd melodic tone

What they smell like
Brimstone and jungle flowers