Wyrmbone Outpost Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Wyrmbone Outpost

Wyrmbone Outpost is home to a vast array of species, but they all have one thing in common. The Wyrmbone outpost is an infamous exchange or meeting ground for smugglers, illegal traders, slavers, bounty hunters and people of general ill repute.
There is an organisation known as the Ghaz'rahki (Garz-rah-ki) a once nomadic tribe of Yuan-ti who now call this skeleton home. Nothing passes through this place without their knowledge, provided they are paid a cut they don't care what you're moving or why.
The outpost runs mostly off the profit in trade and discretion that it affords its locals.
There is no temple here but there is a blood arena that is dedicated to Zehir, the Cloaked Serpent, there are ways of settling differences here at the outpost and most of them lead to this arena. It is also not uncommon to see small shrines to Malar, god of the hunt for the bounty hunters, Waukeen, goddess of trade for merchants and traders and Mask, god of thieves for those who wish to take items of which don't belong to them.
The Ghaz'rahki have a force known simply as The Fang. Easily distinguishable from the Fang they have carved into their armour, they are renowned assassins across the sands, and the Ghaz'rahki are also not opposed to lending one of them out provided someone has the coin to pay for their services.
Customs and Cultures
Sah'ha Raz'ess is the most commonly found ritual that is unique to the culture of the Yuan'Ti. This is a very primitive but effective way of solving conflict at Wyrmbone Outpost


  • Wyrmbone Outpost
    A detailed map of the savage Wyrmbone Outpost