Russolia Jadeye

Famous Survivor

(a.k.a. Little Weasel)

A young dwanar woman who survived the seige and sacking of Medale. Although there were very few people that managed to escape the invasion, she revealed herself to be a mole living undercover in Medale to root out a suspected religious insurgency and she reported back her experiences during the attack and subsequent weeks required to evade capture and travel to Etude.

Personality Characteristics


Russo is a helper. She derives immense satisfaction from improving the lives of those around her and after the events in Medale she couldn't help but become even more ambitious in her desires. The good she did wasn't enough for her and she spent the rest of her life creating safe spaces for people in rough situations.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

An untrained but brilliant strategist, Russo has a knack for improvisation that kept her alive longer than most. Without training she managed to survive an extended siege, evade roving bands of goblins, and find her way across a thousand miles of near-desert conditions terrain to save the lives of strangers and warn the members of the human alliance about the dangers.

Vices & Personality flaws

Defined by how she handled an awful situation in her youth, Russolia always felt like she'd never be able to do more for people than she already had. By the time she hit middle age she was compelled to help others, nearly to the exclusion of all else.
Neutral Good
3608 3996 388 years old
Dark grey, narrow
Warm brown tone, wavy, shoulder-length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm brown/ochre
There are many reasons why Russolia and her story had such an impact on the population;
  • She was not human, but worked closely with the human alliance.
  • Russolia was chosen because of her natural skill, despite having zero experience as an informant.
  • Surviving for weeks in the wilderness with a small group of refugees.
  • By surviving she helped save the entire human alliance.
  • Her awkward and humourous behaviour was extremely charming to many.
  • After reaching Etude she founded an orphanage to care for children who lost their parents.


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