WC2 - Fortum Dryads

Even the ancient memories of mountains and forests don't recall why they called out to the Fortum elves but there is no denying how connected the species of elf is to the seasons and environment of the world that surrounds them. Even among the Fortum there are those whose own soul is part of nature itself. These unique souls have incredible potential to cultivate a powerful metaphysical connection with the living world and almost always seek out the Dryads for training.
In modern times the Fortum Dryads are the prime caretakers of the forests that surround and protect Clavier. They are foresters, rangers, and gardeners who guard and nurture a specifically agreed upon area of forest. Depending on their experience and talent this may be as much as several days' worth of land or a single grove or copse of trees that need special attention. The Dryads are a Circle which means they have no leader but instead have a complex internal heirchy that is much more fluid than it appears.


Fortum Dryads are prime examples of the Fortum culture put into practice. They are charged with treating all creatures as equals and will refrain from doing harm unless they are protecting another. A Fortum Dryad will always intervene if they see a creature suffering, elf or otherwise, and will tend a wounded stray as though it were their own family. Over the centuries, their relationship with Allegran humans has fluctuated significantly depending on current events in and around Clavier. At times the elves have nearly left the humans entirely for their ignorance but in those times the Fortum Dryads would council their followers patience and understaning towards the unenlightened humans. Like a mighty tree, the humans cannot grow over night and without the Fortum influence they may not survive. Or worse, they may continue their destructive and war-like ways.
Religious, Druidic Circle
Related Ethnicities


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