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Singe Singer

The Singe Singer   Appearance
The Singe Singer is served in a glass. The inner main section is known as the "Singe" and has a warm orange appearance with small patches of luminescent turqiouse circling around the outer rim of the drink. This cirling section known as the "Wave" begins from the bottom and spirals around till it reaches the top of the drink where it then seems to flow back to the bottom like a waterfall, where the process then repeats.   Taste
The Singe Singer tastes like a smooth and slightly thick liquid. The "Singe" has a warm and spicy taste whilst the "Wave" has a chilled slightly minty taste. Due to the items used within the "Wave", they cancel out the long term tate of the "Singe", so that after drinking, the user only feels the strong spice for a short moment before feeling as though they had never even had the spice to begin with.   However, if the person with the drink gives it a fairly rough shake, or distrubs the natural path of the "Wave" it will have the minty chilled taste of the wave and the spice of the "Singe" without clearing it. This is usually done in a form of shots at local pubs in Mari. This form of the drink is called a "Twirly"   History
The Singe Singer was made in the early days of the Mari kingdom's liberation, through the works of a Greffus Tuffle, a dabbling alchemist and his wife Matriccia Tuffle who owned a bar in Aimsbridge. it is said that the meeting where Palmera Airblossom apointed her Swordsingers was within the Truffle's pub. With them all having a glass of the "Tuffle shake" ( The previous name of the drink) . After the events of the Great war between Mari and Lunar-Solaris. The sacrifice of the Swordsingers was forever remembered by the people, and the drink blew up in popularity shortly after.   There are some doubts about the entire accuracy of this tale, as some point out that Palmera herself rarely drank in public - and such an important event would have unlikely taken place in a pub. it is a belief among some that a few of the Swordsingers did attend the bar, though it was not to the scale that is widly portrayed.
Whilst the recipe itself is a closely guarded Tuffle family secret, there are some facts known about the drink.  The "Singe" Effect is certainly roasted seigepeppers ( As they are the only locally obtainable strong spice) To get them into liquid form they are grounded up and stirred into warm water (As cold water would dampen the spicy taste)   The ingredients of the "Wave" however is harder to come by, as whilst it is commonly known that cold liquids can dampen the spice - the effect of immediatly making the spice dissapear is what makes the drink unique. This is why it is likely that this effect isn't a drink - put a small dose of a potion. It being a potion would also explain the dificulty in tracing the ingredients, as seperating the intertwined materials within a potion is excedingly difficult and only acomplishable by skilled mages - which are only now appearing in larger numbers.


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