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The Hanging Gardens

The Hanging Gardens are the most serence place in the blustering city of Turak . Situated near the palace of the god-emperor, the gardens have both public and private sections.    Not only is it a source of pride for many Azkoshi, but pilgrims, merchants, and travelers from other parts of Karavas frequent the enormous park. Layered in terraced steps, the hanging gardens form an enormous hill upon the palace. If they were laid out in a straight line, the walkways of the terrace would go on for miles, but the crossing paths, stairs, and maze-like interior condense the immense area into a pyramid shape.    There are no less than 50 levels to the terraces, making it one of the largest independent structures in Karavas. Aside from the myriad of botanical species, many jungle creatures are left to inhabit the gardens, creating an entire ecosystem. Beautiful stone and bronze statues have been placed throughout the terraces along with huge fountains, artificial waterfalls, and an aqueduct that supplies water throughout the terraces and continues into the city.    Within the structure of the Gardens are immense bathhouses and leisure areas. These are not segregated by gender and the people of Azkosh harbor very little modesty, much to the chagrin of visitors from Zerude.    The public gardens are open to the public, but close when the sun sets to mitigate criminal activity in easily concealed areas of the gardens. During the daylight hours, sentries are placed within the gardens to patrol and ensure the sanctity of the area is preserved.    The private gardens are reserved for the Emperor, the royal family, and select members of the ruling/dominant caste.

Purpose / Function

The gardens were erected by the second god-emperor, Jakar the Sage .


There are hundreds of tenders that maintain the upkeep of the garden and are constantly adding to and taking away from the garden.


See the Hanging Gardens of Ancient Babylon for reference.


Pilgrims, merchants, visiting political guests, and travelers from across Azkosh and the broader reaches of Karavas consider the Hanging Gardens to be a pre-eminent stop on any visit.
Alternative Names
The Jade Terrace
Owning Organization


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