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The Kith

On the southwestern peninsula of Karavas lived a small fishing folk called the Kith, the folk of the Lillypad. A peaceful fishing folk who thrived on the coastal flats bordering Shol . Similar to their neighbors, they preferred isolation from the politics and machinations of the larger kingdoms to the North.   Short in stature, but long of limb, these people were excellent swimmers. Legend told that they were descendents of fish-people who left the tumultuous waters and made a home out of the shore.   During a time of peace for this amphibious culture, a swarm of fiends erupted from a sinkhole in the flats. A peaceful people, they were not prepared to fend off the invasive species. They were overtaken by the fiends and despite Orak aid coming from Shol, they were forced to abandon their home of tradition and flee inland. While Shol offerred safe harbor, Azkosh refused the refugees and the people of Skagerrak seemed more likely to attack them than aid them, the Kith chose to rebuild instead.   Longing to live near the open waters, the Kith petitioned the Council of Shol to allow them to construct a floating city in the northern bay of their lands. Displaced from their homeland, they built something new and wondrous, something they were proud of. But many long to re-claim their homelands. With the dwindling number of Orak, the likelihood of such an endeavor declines with each passing season.   They are skilled fisherman and also harvest many forms of sea vegetation. However, in recent months, raiders from Skagerakk have threatened their new home. While historically they have not been fighters, many Kith are tired of being trodden upon by monsters both insectoid and Neonatan and have begun to learn the ways of war and violence.

Major organizations

The Old Families speak for the Kith and are traditional leaders of the Kith people, though not rulers. They speak for their people.


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