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The New World

A Squall Glider searching for his quarry among the Spires spots the wreckage of a wooden vessel floating towards the shores of Azkosh. The Glider descends and realizes there are three men clinging to the driftwood that is covered in barnacles. They seem dead, or barely alive, lips chapped and dry. As the glider lands on the rocky shores, he wades into the water, wary of predators lurking in the shoreline. He calls out, but there is no response. He dives in, against his better judgement and pulls the floating wreckage to the shore. One of the men wakes up and is at first disoriented, shouting, but then realizes he is being rescued and helps his savior haul the other two men to shore.    They realize that one of the men had already perished and the other is critically injured, but breathing. They take the men to the city above the bluffs where a small council convenes to ascertain what happened. The most lucid man tells them the story while his kin, barely alive, stares into nothing. As the story of a New World is told, the man reveals a huge crystal, invaluable in Karavas for the Vesper within that he found on distant shores. Then, he describes their voyage home and the great sea storm that devoured their vessel. The other man is visibly jarred by the recounting and begins muttering nonsense about the end times, forbidden gods, and monstrocities beyond imagining.    This foreboding story is brought before the high council in the Jungle city of Azkosh with representation from Zer Zerude, Azkosh, and of course the Spires, the great coalition begins building great ships capable of taking them to these distant shores.


Discovery Adventure The Unknown Competition
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