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The Order of Oraks

The Order of Oraks are chosen knights from among the nations of Karavas as shining examples and paragons of courage, selflessness, and leadership. They are dauntless in the face of evil and the dark tendrils of Vesper that plague the world.   Once they have attained enough experience and with the blessing of their Bulwark, they will undergo a trial as a final measure of their worthiness to carry an Ora crystal. Once they have passed, they will receive the rank of Bulwark and be sworn into the Order as full Oraks.   The trial consists of venturing into the badlands and returning with the horn of a fiend, something that can only be found in a nest and would require absolute dedication to the path of the Orak, not to mention a boldness undeterred by fear of death.   Many squires perish during the trial. In times when Ora crystals were mined with abundance, squires were granted Ora crystals and sworn in as knights of the order immediately, but as the repository of Ora crystals have dwindled, the requirements to become a Bulwark have risen and Ora crystals are retained for those who have demonstrated true valor and prowess in the art of the blade.



The Order is comprised of roughly 1000 sworn members, plus another 2000 squires.


Ora Crystals.


Wielders of the Aegis are the vanguard of any force, leading from the front and seeking out any Vesper threats before calling any other warriors or personnel forward. In a conventional fight, this tactic would not be used necessarily, but then Oraks are rarely thrown into a conventional battle as they are too precious to lose to political rivalries.


When an Orak Squire has been identified, they are assigned to a Bulwark to apprentice under them to learn the tactics, methodologies, and the path of the Orak. This apprenticeship varies in length and circumstance. In some cases, an Orak may remain a squire for years, but given the right temperment, natural affinity to combat, and dauntless displays of courage, a squire may advance more quickly to the illustreous rank of Orak.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 11, 2024 14:11 by Marjorie Ariel

I think it's interesting how the supply of Ora crystals has affected their numbers and selectivity.