The Walk Settlement in Karil - The Calamity | World Anvil
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The Walk

Even before the quarantine, The Walk was the center of mercenary hubs, huddling together in a single place by order of the king, the simple idea being that when restless soldiers needed to blow off steam, then they wouldn’t harass the rest of the city while doing so. As such, The Walk has become a buzzing hive of dives, brothels, casinos and every vice inducing establishment imaginable. As well as being home to entertainment, every significant mercenary group with the exception of the Gold Spears and Black Cloaks have their headquarters in this district, with many of their barracks appearing more like small fortresses than houses.
Early in the city’s history, conflicts between the mercenary groups would often devolve into full on wars during down time. With numbers plummeting and expenses for new equipment and medicine rising, for a short while it seemed that the mercenary industry just might see the King’s Guard coming down on them. This forced the leaders to come together and find a way to resolve their conflicts without violence. Thus was formed the Steel Kings, a council of the most important mercenary companies’ leaders, which hears cases and resolves disputes between mercenary companies. This doesn’t mean that they do not get into fights frequently, but it does keep a lid on the violence.


Mainly Hobgoblins, significant minority of gnolls and humans.
Owning Organization

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