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4. History of Ven

History of Ven once the first settlers arrive to present day.

Era of beginnings

1120 1400

The era where the people of the old continent first land on Ven and begin to try to restart their old lives in a new unexplored land.

  • 1150

    Akatan is founded
    Gathering / Conference

    A group of wizards left behind on the old continent begin praying to the God Maraia to help them escape the beast ridden continent. After enough proper offerings the goddess of magic teleports them to a mountain peak surronded by natural walls and lakes. The wizards begin to settle this mountain, isolated away from the rest of the world. Akatan begins to be constructed.

  • 1185

    Magma dwarves war with the frost elves
    Military action

    The magma dwarves and the Frost elves enter into a war on the isle of trike in Ven. As the two factions war the Frost elves are eventually forced back into the mountains to the northeast, entering into a state of Isolation.

  • 1232

    Ships begin to crash onto the coasts of Ven
    Population Migration / Travel

    The ships that left the shores of the old continent begin to crash land in various places across Ven. Many of these ships managed to stay together in groups before crashing, leading to small seperate civilizations to begin to form across Ven. The elves find a land mass and name it Obral. The humans land onto a fertile land and name it Askal. Monsterlike races crash land into a hot tropical region and name it Opproz. Remnants of the dwarven empire lands in a cold land and name it Ezzel. and the two largest fleets of the evacuating force land on the eastern most coast of Ven, One led by Captain Apror and the other led by Captain Edrania.

  • 1245


    Civil war breaks out between Captain Edrania and Captain Apror
    Military action

    The two largest settlements being formed on the continent of Ven was the city of Drogen and the city of Exalt. The two settlements were united under one banner until a civil war broke out between the two settlemts, led my Drogen Edrania and Exalt Apror respectively. Eventually borders were drawn by the lake in the south east part of ven, but the two nations would forever hold resentment towards one another.

  • 1253

    Formation of Ezzel

    Those who landed in the cold region of Ven name the region Ezzel and begin to form a nation in it. The city of Flodon is constructed for the next few decades as the nation grows in populace and power.

  • 1266

    Formation of Askal and Opproz

    The monster like races and human tensions began to rise over expansion near the lake to the north. This lead to the formation of two 'armies' despite no real nations being formed on either side. These two armies clashed for decades and the people of the respective lands began to support the two armies eventually leading to the formation of Askal and Opproz.

  • 1304

    Ezzel makes contact with the magma dwarves
    Discovery, Exploration

    As Ezzel continued to grow and expand so did their trade routes. As trade between Ezzel and Apror began to grow, ships searched for new routes. A band of these ships landed on the trike isle to form a trading outpost as per order of the king. After about 4 months of construction they ran into something peculiar. A dwarf with grey skin and glowing orange eyes watched them from the distance. Although they did not speak common, they did appear to speak the old dwarvish tongue. This was the first known contact with a sub-species of dwarves: the magma dwarves. They had evolved to live on the hot peak of Mt Trike and had established their own kingdom on the isle. However they were not as technologically advanced as the old dwarven kingdom. The King of Ezzel met with the Lava Lord of the magma dwarves and invited their kingdom into the Ezzelian kingdom. Of course at first the Lava Lord declined, but once Ezzel offered them technological advances such as sea travel and accsess to the rest of the world, they reluctantly joined. The isle now is apart of the Ezzelian kingdom but serves as its own state, with slightly different laws and cultures.

  • 1311


    The second Edranian-Aprorian war breaks out
    Military action

    The countries of Apror and Edrania clash once more on the border. This war would be known as the war of energies. Both sides began using continually advanced magic that eventually became too catastrophic to continue using. Examples of this were mass killings of towns and cities, or forced manipulation through magical means. This caused the goddess of magic to step in and end the war prematurely, stating that if their magic continues to become so destructive and vile it could cause damage to Karina.

  • 1315


    Birth of Arcanas
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Through the battlefields of edrania and apror began to arise a new entity. The Arcanas. Beings made of magic energy that took humanoid form. With the advancement of magic came more excess energy from spells being used. This energy would come together and swirl forming a being known as an Arcana. Arcana's varied in personality usually due to whatever spells excess energies they were made of. During the war of energies these beings were used as weapons, stuffed into weapons and golems to serve as each countries respective soldiers. During the end of the war one especially powerful Arcana began to form. An arcana known as Nova formed from the remnants of a city destroying event, he was too powerful to be contained by Edrania or Apror and began to free his Arcana brethren. He became worshipped as a God, and eventually the power he had and the faith from his followers rose him up to minor godhood. Nova proceeded to enter the realm of the gods and began speaking with Maraia, bringing her attention to what the mortals had been doing in the recent war.

  • 1337


    Ezzel Civil war

    A civil war broke out in Ezzel after a controversial decision was made to ban slavery entirely and give equal rights to all races. The northern part of Ezzel did not agree with this action and began a revolt. The country was split between the mountain line after a long bloody war, and the nation of Snachya was formed.

  • 1349

    Akatan is discovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    Explorers from Edrania manage to climb the mountain where Akatan resides, and discover the isolated city state of Akatan. The city state was assimilated into the Edranian empire without much conflict.

Era of unpredictability

1400 1600

An era where the unpredictable occurs.

  • 1416


    The war of titans
    Military action

    The third major war of Edrania and Apror broke out in 1416 over a trade disagreement. This went by many names by different people. The war of the dragon riders, the war of the undead, the bloody sea, but most refer to it as the war of the titans. Although magical spells did not reach the insanity of the second war, individual users seemed much more versed in combat and magic. Some would raise armies of undead to fight the enemy, others would summon storms to slow down battalions advances.

  • 1430

    A Dragonlord faces down death
    Military action

    In one of the many wars between Edrania and Apror, two of the deadliest warriors on each side found each other locked in combat. Juno olocyne the dragon lord of apror met Rhaegal septimus in combat. The famed dragonlord cut through his undead forces with ease, but her dragon companion fell in combat to a skeletal wyvern. Fueled with rage she managed to cut through the skeletal legions and put her sword to Rhaegals throat. She began to torture him, as vengeance for her dragon companion. Her cockiness led to a fatal mistake, for the blood spilled by rhaegals cuts fell onto the ground and allowed him to summon one of his undead minions who rose from the ground and cut of Junos hands. Both individuals badly injured retreated, but on that day the dragon lord suffered her worse loss.

  • 1463

    Apror falls to the beasts
    Disaster / Destruction

    Apror is invaded by thousands of beasts sent from the gods for an unknown region. The once great and powerful nation effectively falls in a matter of days, refugees evacuating the land scattered across the continent. The Edranian military front managed to hold back the beasts from expanding any further with the help of the dragon of apror and Rhaegal septimus. 

  • 1588


    Arachnid Invasion
    Plague / Epidemic

    On the western coast of Obral, large spiders began to invade the coast. This event marked the start of the Arachnid war.

  • 1589

    Early Guns are invented
    Technological achievement

    Early guns are constucted. These guns are only as effective as a bow or crossbow at this time but requires less accuracy to aim. The new weapons however are made using expensive magical powder and materials, thus making it a rare sight to see weapons used.

  • 1599

    The hero of the falling moon executes the arachnae queen
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Kazoku Komochi along with a party of warriors ventured into the arachnae nest on a mission to kill the queen of spiders. While his party dealt with the queens childern, the hero of the falling moon single handedly faced down the arachnae queen and ended the arachnae war.

Era of possibility

1600 9999

Present era/Playable era.

  • 1603

    Ezzel begins to retake beastland islands

    Ezzel begins a campaign to take over islands on the beast lands. The leaders of the nation state that this campaign was needed to further their economic supremacy. Edranians have mixed opinions about this campaign. On one hand it seems the number of beasts on the border has slightly declined due to shifting priorities on the other hand many edranians believe that all the beastlands should become one with the empire.

  • 1604


    The Coreillia Crusade
    Religious event

    The god of summer Corellia has a large prescense in the nation of Opproz. The emotions of god's can sometimes flip on a dime driving them to generousity or painful torture. In 1604 the heat in the nation of Opproz was especially bad, and the citizens of the nation asked their god why they were punished. He claimed that it was time for a holy march against those in Askal who have been enslaving the Opproz people for decades. This led to the creation of the corellia crusaders. A band of monster races who prepared themselves for war against Askal. The war lasted for 11 years and both sides had their share of attrocities commited. The war came to an end when Corellia's siblings, Lysa, Ko, and Raphael all brought him to his senses. The peace between opproz and askal is very weak at this point in time and the enslavement and murders on both sides are not easily forgotten.

  • 1610

    Mt Yon Erupts
    Disaster / Destruction

    In the midst of the corellian crusade a large battle took place on Mt Yon. The crusaders who were invading were slowly losing their ground to the enemy forces and defeat was inevitable. The crusaders who remained blinded by their own religious frenzy decided to sacriface their own lives for one prayer. let no one leave the mountain alive. This prayer reached Corellia and he decided to manipulate the magma inside Mt Yon to erupt. The human army had been praying to Byla the goddess of war to aide them in their defense of their homeland. When the mountain began erupting the humans sacrifaced all of their weapons and armor to Byla in a vain attempt to be saved by the volcanic attack. Byla did her best using the sacrifaces she was given, but the results still roam on Mt Yon today. Volcanic humanoids now roam the mountain, mindless soldiers who think they are trapped in a war long over. Plant life that grows on the mountain is affected by Byla's effects and grow hostile and dangerous. It is said that Byla every 5 years attempts to have her followers remedy the destruction of Mt Yon, but little progress has been made.

  • 1621

    Snachya declares war on Obral
    Military action

    The country of Snachya declares war on Obral in the year 1621. The king of Snachya declares that this war is needed to secure the future prosperity of the Snachyan kingdom. This is a suprise for many in both nations for tensions although rough at times seemed far from war declaration. The king states that the kingdom must expand, and the hot deserts of the west were uninhabitable to many of the kingdoms citizens and invading the east would be incuring the wrath of Edrania.

  • 1622

    Hellhound Squadron captures Sgt William
    Military action

    Hellhound squadron captures a necromancer named Sgt William. He is suspected to be working with the group in the beastlands that is after Edrania and Ezzel's destruction.