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[3] Tale of Konam

After the 'fall' of the old continent, many settlements were teleported to this new land, Konam.

Era of Rediscovery

1730 2305

The sudden teleportation of the various settlements had many bewildered and confused. However, many of these settlements knew they had to live with their new circumstances and new empires and settlements began to rise.

  • 1730


    Chaos in Konam
    Era beginning/end

    When the settlements of the old continent were suddenly taken from their homeland and dropped into a new location, there was immediate chaos across the land. Various settlements fell apart without the guidance of their governments, others fell into civil war as sudden power vacuums opened up. The Cities had chaos to an extent, but most were self governing enough to keep it in check as they figured out things.

  • 1730


    The Orcs and Demani, in the desert once more.
    Cultural event

    The Orc's were split up, their major tribes gone and only small villages making it to Konam. Various tribes merged together in order to create sustainable societies. The Demani were brought together, mostly unharmed. Only a handful of small villages were lost.

  • 1731


    Rise of the Tsukihana Empire

    The Elves were lucky, when the disaster struck they had the help of not only Nat, but also the forest spirits who they protected. Many gave up their lives but three major elven settlements were saved and put in close proximity to one another. After the major settlements met with one another they founded the Tsukihana Empire, which in elvish translates roughly to Empire of the Blossoming Moon.

  • 1731


    Rise of the Sindri Empire

    The Varian Empire and Draconic Federation essentially became one faction in the northeast. The area was plagued by infighting between all the city states, as the halfing city of Vara and the Kumani/Dwarven city of Mountain Home got caught up in the middle. This fighting was eventually stopped when Kol, son of the Winter Dragon began a campaign from fireheart that eventually spread to the rest of the warring cities. They unified under a new banner, the Sindri Empire.

  • 1731


    The Korven Empire survives
    Cultural event

    The Korven Empire were guided to the North, due to their large number of religious worshippers many cities and towns were saved and put into an area the Gods thought was similar to their old home. However, many of the smaller settlements were scattered away from the main area of the Korven Empire, even Mountain Home was away.

  • 1731


    Cyrodil Stands alone. From the ashes of the Draconic Federation rises the Ember Empire.

    The militant city of Cyrodil, the trophy of triumph over the orcs found itself alone in the southern desert. It would take many years for the people of Cyrodil to discover the elves and Orcs, but they were forced to develop by themselves for the first few years of the era. Cyrodil quickly unified any minor settlements that were brought with them, and formed the Ember Empire.

  • 1731


    Wild Alliance is Reborn into the Talyn Kingdom

    The Wild Alliance had only two major settlements brought over with them, luckily one was their capital and uprisings in the area were quickly put down as their head government was there with them. With the two major cities were also the crystals that had given the original manawilds its power and fantastical enviroment. Over time the same effects started to spread on Konam, and the Wild Alliance renamed themselves to the Talyn Kingdom.

  • 1731


    The Remnants of the Sakura Kingdom crumble
    Military action

    The Humans and Axol of the Sakura Empire were lucky in terms of where they ended up, but not in terms of with who. Only two major settlements were brought to Konam. Without the guidance of the king of the Sakura Kingdom, the two city states turning into warring factions with one another. The war between the remnants of the Sakura Kingdom lasted for fifteen years before the Tsukihana Empire allied with Komorebi in order to unify the isle. The remnants of the Sakura Kingdom were then absorbed into the Tsukihana Empire, with Komorebi ruling over the isle.

  • 1759

    Tsukihana Empire founds a new capital city

    The Tsukihana Empire founds a new capital city, one that connects to both the elven majority half of the empire and the newly absorbed human and Axol half of the empire. It is named Lunalia.

  • 1784

    The Clans of the Giant Peaks create a hub city

    The Goliath and Frost Giant clans of the Giant peaks grew in population size. Years of isolation and non-fatal wars saw the mountain range have a boom in population. In order to create a better sense of communication within the mountain but still keep some semblance of Isolation, the giants of the mountain form the city of Icepass. A city that is the only way up into the mountain range where the clans reside but also acts as a way for all the clans to gather for trade.

  • 1788

    The Talyn Kingdom founds the city of Scalia

    The Talyn Kingdom founds the city of Scalia.

  • 1804

    Sindri Empire colonizes the Pangolin Isle and founds Pangola.

    A group of explorers sail out towards the sea and discover a large island. They name it the Pangolin Isle due to the large number of Giant Pangolins that roamed the isle. Hunters began to flock to the isle to hunt these creatures to sell their scales to blacksmiths for a high profit. Over time the increased traffic led to small settlements being founded and the first city on the Pangolin isle being founded, Pangola.

  • 1806

    The Ember Empire founds Fenix

    The Ember Empire founds a new capital city in the mountain to the north.

  • 1817

    A new Demani Clan rises to power, Clan ThunderBlade

    A Demani Clan that had dealt in heavy trading with the Sakura Empire prior to arriving to Konam continued to amass power within the Demani Empire. Eventually the clan led an expedition to the north and established a new city, becoming one of the four core Demani Clans.

  • 1825


    The Ember Empire Discovers the orcs live
    Military action

    As the Ember Empire begins to expand into the Golden Bay and the surronding regions, scouts report the existence of small orc clans in the nearby area. Memories of the Orc war still lay in many minds of the Ember Empire, and without hesitation they quickly kill the nearby orc clans. Instead of pushing into orc territory however, they begin to construct the Dragon Wall once more. The Orcs slaughtered many during the construction of the wall, but the Ember Empire also killed countless orcs. The wall was completed in 1833 and still stands today to mark the land border between the Ember Empire and the Orcish Badlands.

  • 1833


    Mara blesses the town of Draio to grow into a city.

    The people of the Talyn Kingdom, descendents of the wild alliance have always been devout worshippers. This can be especially seen towards the treatment of Mara the goddess of magic. In all of Konam, the Talynians were the most devout to Mara even surpassing that of the elves. One town in particular Draio was especially devout. In the year 1833 however, many innocents of the town were murdered due to a powerful lich. The lich was only brought down after a minor wild God worked with a band of adventurers to kill the Lich. Mara came down herself after the event, in order to pay back her followers for magic being misused in such a way she granted them a gift. The magical energies of the lich were called forward to Mara, and began to solidify into that of a powerful mana crystal. Putting in her own mana, this power source was put in the center of the town and provided the townsfolk abnormalities, magical advancement and many other benefits. In time the blessing of the goddess allowed Draio to transform from a humble trading town to the capital of the Talyn empire, and what many consider to be the magic capital of the world. Although the adventurers long dead, the wild God has grown in power over the years and now serves as the protector of the capital.

  • 1848

    Ember Empire founds Namin

    The Ember Empire founds the city of Namin in the Golden Bay.

  • 1868

    Ragna, The Molten Abnormality
    Military action

    Throughout Karina, there are sometimes abnormalities within the world. Someone is born with a special power or body part. An animal is born with supernatural intellect. A Tree grows to unusual size. These are rare events, but common enough that these abnormalities are known about. However, none had been known to occur on the scale of Ragna before. One day from the forest west of Frentarti arose a giant molten beast. Behind him a horde of smaller creatures. This year marked the rise of Ragna, The Molten Abnormality. For six months he and his legion destroyed town after town, making their way towards the City of Griffin. Many adventurers attempted to bring Ragna down but were met with little success. That is until the Crimson Stag Guild stopped the beast only hours away from the gates of Grffin. The guild at the time was small, Consisting of an elven Ranger, Kumani Barbarian, Human Wizard and Demani Fighter. The Adventurers assocation sent the guild in an attempt to buy time for the city to prepare defenses. What they did not expect was the Crimson Stags to return to the city, head of Ragna drawn on a cart. 

  • 1876


    The Five Year Korven-Tsukihana war.
    Military action

    A border dispute arises between the Korven Empire and the Tsukihana Empire. The Korven Empire is quick to declare war on the Tsukihana empire, feeling that they beat the elves once they can do it again. However, what they did not expect were the warriors from Komorebi and Mizu. Unlike the elves who had mainly relied on bows and magic for combat, the soldiers of Komorebi and Mizu were trained as samurai and expert combatants. Although the war was a constant back and forth between the two sides, things changed when General Sankisu led the Lunar Griffins in a charge against the walls of Wintra. The Korven Empire had lost its footing as the General managed to siege the pass into the rest of the empire, reluctantly the Korven Empire surrended the territory they expanded into to the Tsukihana Empire.

  • 1922


    Demani-Sindri War
    Military action

    The son of Azel's Guardian Dragon was slain by the Demani Clan Thunderblades. They did so claiming his scales were perfect materials for their clan heads armor. This enraged many in Dragon Roost, who swiftly responded by destroying the lesser clans protected by the Thunderblade clan. This prompted the Thunderblade clan to launch a counter attack into Dragon Roost, which was considered apart of Sindri land. Dragonborn across the empire urged the emperor to declare war on the Demani people for vengeance and to help the dragons who had protected them for years. After much consideration the Emperor agreed and launched an attack on the invading forces. The Thunderblade clan received support from the other Demani clans and a war of attrition began. After eleven long years the Demani ultimately surrendered. The Sindri demanded the armor of Azel's Guardian Dragon's son be returned. However, the Demani claimed it was lost in battle many months prior. The Sindri Empire and Demani now have a shaky relationship and their border remains heavily fortified, prepared for another potential war.

  • 1950

    3 /3

    A Salamander, Firbolg and warforged meet in a bar.
    Era beginning/end

    Saul A Mander and Aelar Andraste meet in the tavern of Ram's Rest in the town of moonlight. They are tasked by a lumberjack named Barlum who asks them to investigate a strange light in the woods. After encountering a abandoned warforged in the woods, they form a party with the S.A.A and take their first job.

  • 1950

    3 /4

    3 /8

    The Adventuring trio rescues a girl from bandits
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The trio of adventurer's take a job to deal with some bandits to the north eastern road. Along the way they encounter a girl running from the bandits. After some fighting, the bandits are defeated and the party returns the girl to her guardian. They return to the S.A.A and collect their reward.

  • 1950

    3 /9

    3 /13

    Stone Cold Encounter

    A job to protect a blacksmith in the mines takes a turn for the worst when two basilisks ambush the adventuring trio of the Axol,Firbolg, and warforged. Only through sheer will and luck did the adventurer's make it out with their lives.

  • 1950

    3 /21

    The party arrives in Griffin
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party arrives in the city of Griffin prepared to take their trial.