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Historical Overview of Hozaric Origins and Early Development (23,000 BGC - 15,000 BGC)   23,000 BGC: The Dawn of Eldermere   The origins of Hozaric trace back to the ancient civilization of Eldermere, a powerful and influential society. The language began as a proto-form, spoken by the early inhabitants of the region. It was characterized by a rudimentary phonetic system and a nascent grammatical structure. 20,000 BGC: Formation of the Eldermere Dialects   As Eldermere expanded and diversified, Hozaric evolved into several regional dialects. These early forms of the language reflected the social and geographical diversity of the people. During this period, the language began to adopt more complex phonetic and grammatical features. 15,000 BGC: Establishment of a Unified Language   A series of unifying efforts by the Eldermere rulers led to the standardization of Hozaric. The language was formalized with a consistent grammar and a unified script, reflecting the cultural and political cohesion of Eldermere. This period saw the establishment of Hozaric as the official language of administration, culture, and ceremonial functions. Golden Age and Decline (15,000 BGC - 5,000 BGC)   12,000 BGC: The Golden Age of Eldermere   Hozaric flourished during the Golden Age of Eldermere, becoming a language of great literary and scholarly significance. The language was used in extensive literary works, including epic poems, philosophical treatises, and historical chronicles. This era marked the height of Hozaric's influence and prestige. 8,000 BGC: Decline and Fragmentation   The decline of Eldermere's central authority led to the fragmentation of the empire. As regional powers rose, the use of Hozaric became increasingly restricted to the elite and ceremonial contexts. The language faced challenges from emerging regional dialects and external influences. 5,000 BGC: The Fall of Eldermere   The fall of Eldermere resulted in the loss of political cohesion and a significant reduction in the use of Hozaric. The language became relegated to religious and ceremonial contexts, with everyday communication shifting to more widely spoken vernaculars. Despite its diminished role, efforts were made to preserve Hozaric as a symbol of cultural heritage. Revival and Renaissance (0 AGC - 3 AGC)   0 AGC: The Founding of the High Kingdom of Karkanna   In the year 0 AGC, Devon Torran established the High Kingdom of Karkanna. Recognizing the cultural and historical significance of Hozaric, Torran initiated a revival of the language. Hozaric was adopted as the official court language of Karkanna, reflecting the kingdom's commitment to preserving and honoring the ancient traditions of Eldermere. 500 AGC: The Renaissance of Hozaric   Under the reign of successive rulers in Karkanna, Hozaric underwent a renaissance. The language was taught in schools, used in official documents, and prominently featured in cultural and religious ceremonies. Efforts were made to standardize and modernize the language while retaining its classical roots. 1,000 AGC: The Stabilization of Hozaric   The High Kingdom of Karkanna solidified Hozaric's place as a central component of its national identity. The language became a symbol of the kingdom’s prestige and historical continuity. Hozaric literature and scholarship flourished, and the language became a key element of Karkanna’s cultural diplomacy. Present Day (3 AGC)   3 AGC: Hozaric Today In the present day, Hozaric remains a language of significant cultural and ceremonial importance. It is used in royal decrees, high-level diplomatic communications, and religious rituals. The language continues to be a symbol of Karkanna's rich heritage and the enduring legacy of Eldermere. Legacy and Cultural Impact   Cultural Symbolism: Hozaric represents the deep cultural roots of Eldermere and the resilience of its traditions. The language is a testament to the enduring legacy of a once-great civilization. Educational and Scholarly Pursuits: Hozaric is studied and preserved through academic institutions and cultural organizations dedicated to its history and development. The language's rich literary and historical corpus is a valuable resource for scholars and enthusiasts. In summary, Hozaric's journey from its ancient origins to its revival in the High Kingdom of Karkanna illustrates its enduring significance and the efforts made to preserve and celebrate its heritage. The language stands as a living testament to the legacy of Eldermere and the cultural pride of Karkanna.


Phonetic Inventory 1. Vowels Hozaric features both short and long vowels, with long vowels giving a more formal or elevated tone.   Vowel Sound (IPA) Example/Notes a Like "a" in father ā Long "a," like in calm e or /ɛ/ Like "e" in bed ē /eː/ Long "e," like in they i Like "i" in machine ī Long "i," like in seen o or ɔ Like "o" in no or or ō Long "o," like in snow u Like "u" in flute ū Long "u," like in rude Long vowels (indicated by macrons, e.g., ā, ī, ū) are more formal and may be used in ceremonial or high-status speech. 2. Consonants Hozaric consonants have a rich variety, with a mix of hard and soft sounds. Here's a proposed consonant inventory:   Consonant Sound (IPA) Example/Notes h Like "h" in hat z Like "z" in zebra d Like "d" in dog r Likely a trilled or rolled "r," like in Spanish perro l Like "l" in love s Like "s" in snake k Like "k" in kite n Like "n" in no t Like "t" in top v Like "v" in victory g Like "g" in go m Like "m" in man th /θ/ or /ð/ Like "th" in think (soft /θ/) or this (hard /ð/) sh /ʃ/ Like "sh" in shoe ch /tʃ/ Like "ch" in cherry

Sentence Structure

Sentence Structure Basic Word Order   Subject-Object-Verb (SOV): This order is common in many ancient languages and could give Hozaric a formal tone. For example, "The king the land rules" instead of "The king rules the land." Example: Veldar rakna hōzūn (The king the land rules) Subject-Verb-Object (SVO): This structure is simpler and might be used in more conversational or modern contexts within the language.   Example: Veldar hōzūn rakna (The king rules the land) Flexible Word Order: Given its noble status, Hozaric could also allow for flexible word order to emphasize different parts of the sentence, similar to Latin. The core meaning remains clear due to case markings and verb endings.

Adjective Order

Post-Nominal Adjectives   Default Order: Adjectives typically follow the nouns they modify. This structure can add formality and emphasize the descriptive quality. Example: Veldar nūri (noble king) - Here, nūri (noble) follows Veldar (king). Multiple Adjectives   When multiple adjectives are used, they are ordered from the most specific to the most general. This can help in emphasizing the most pertinent qualities first. Example: Veldar nūri lūnā (great noble king) - nūri (noble) is more specific, so it precedes lūnā (great). Emphasis through Placement   For poetic or ceremonial emphasis, adjectives might be placed before the noun. This is less common but can be used to highlight particular qualities in formal or religious texts. Example: Nūri Veldar (the noble king) - Here, nūri is used before Veldar to emphasize the nobility. Comparative and Superlative Adjectives   Comparatives: Typically follow the noun they modify. Example: Veldar nūri ālī (the noble king is greater) - ā l ī (greater) comes after nūri (noble). Superlatives: Can be placed before or after the noun for emphasis. Example: Veldar ālī nūri (the greatest noble king) - ā l ī (greatest) precedes nūri (noble). Rules for Adjective Placement Adjectives describing quality (e.g., noble, wise) generally follow the noun.   Example: Veldar nūri (noble king). Adjectives describing quantity or degree (e.g., many, all, greatest) can be placed before or after the noun, depending on emphasis.   Example: Veldar ālī (great king) or ā l ī Veldar (greatest king). Possessive or relational adjectives (e.g., my, their) usually precede the noun they modify.   Example: Rāka Veldar (my king) - rāka (my) precedes Veldar (king). Example Sentences with Adjectives Formal Description:   Veldar nūri (The noble king) Structure: [Noun] [Adjective] Emphasized Quality:   Nūri Veldar (The noble king) - used for emphasis. Structure: [Adjective] [Noun] With Multiple Adjectives:   Veldar ālī nūri (The greatest noble king) Structure: [Noun] [Superlative] [Adjective] Comparative:   Veldar nūri ālī (The noble king is greater) Structure: [Noun] [Adjective] [Comparative] Possessive:   Rāka Veldar (My king) Structure: [Possessive Adjective] [Noun]
Spoken by
Common Phrases
How are you?   Hozaric: Kāṁtī? IPA: /kɑːmˈtiː/ Literal Translation: How are you? I'm fine, thank you.   Hozaric: Mī sāḳlī, Ṭāzīh. IPA: /miː ˈsɑk.liː ˈtɑ.ziːh/ What is your name?   Hozaric: Sa mīrī? IPA: /sɑ ˈmiː.riː/ My name is [Name].   Hozaric: Mīrī [Name]. IPA: /ˈmiː.riː [Name]/ Where is the [place]?   Hozaric: Kūṯa [place]? IPA: /kuːθɑ [place]/ I don’t understand.   Hozaric: Mī nā ḳūrū. IPA: /miː nɑː ˈkuː.ruː/ Can you help me?   Hozaric: Sī mīrī hāzara? IPA: /siː ˈmiː.riː ˈhɑ.zɑ.rɑ/ Basic Needs and Requests I need water.   Hozaric: Mī rāka ṭāhī. IPA: /miː ˈrɑ.kɑ ˈtɑː.hiː/ Where is the bathroom?   Hozaric: Kūṯa hīrī? IPA: /kuːθɑ ˈhiː.riː/ How much does this cost?   Hozaric: Kāṁtī hēwā? IPA: /ˈkɑːm.tiː ˈheː.wɑ/ I would like [food/drink].   Hozaric: Mī ṭīrī [food/drink]. IPA: /miː ˈtiː.riː [food/drink]/ Is there a [place] nearby?   Hozaric: Hē [place] vā? IPA: /heː [place] væ/ Polite Requests and Apologies Excuse me.   Hozaric: Sāḳlīnā! IPA: /ˈsɑk.liː.nɑː/ Sorry.   Hozaric: Ṭāzīnā. IPA: /ˈtɑ.ziː.nɑː/ Could you please...?   Hozaric: Sī sāḳlī... IPA: /siː ˈsɑk.liː.../ Responses Yes, of course.   Hozaric: Ā, rī. IPA: /ɑː ˈriː/ No, thank you.   Hozaric: Nā, Ṭāzīh. IPA: /nɑː ˈtɑ.ziːh/ I’m sorry.   Hozaric: Mī ṭāzīnā. IPA: /miː ˈtɑ.ziː.nɑː/
Common Family Names
House Valdaran   Description: A prominent family known for their strength and leadership. House Dārzīn   Description: A prestigious lineage believed to be blessed by the gods. House Hāzār   Description: A respected family with a strong connection to the people. House Eldran   Description: An ancient family with deep historical roots. House Raknīr   Description: A noble house with a legacy of conquest and power. House Nūralis   Description: Renowned for their noble lineage and high status. House Sylvanor   Description: A family with a close association with nature and the forest. House Veldarim   Description: Known for their connection to rulership and governance. House Kīrthān   Description: A family with a legacy tied to the mountainous regions. House Thalrīn   Description: A great family with a history of significant achievements. House Myradis   Description: A family associated with maritime endeavors and the sea. House Lūnaris   Description: Known for their connections to the mystical and celestial.


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