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Magna Scarabaeus: The Great Scarabs

Basic Information


Magna Scarabaeus, more commonly referred to as the Great Scarab, is a giant species of scarab beetle native to modern-day Wyvernhold. They closely resemble their much smaller cousins, albiet scaled up by a great magnitude. Based on carapaces found by members of the Mystic Order in the deserts of Wyvernhold, a typical Great Scarab measured roughly 60-75 hands tall from the bottom of the shell to its apex.

Although they were capable of flight, historical records indicate that they seldom did so, likely due to a high energy cost.

Growth Rate & Stages

It is presumed that the lifecycle of Magna Scarabaeus is identical to that of its smaller cousins.

Ecology and Habitats

The Great Scarabs were a desert-dwelling species known for their hardiness. They were purported to be able to go months without water and scavenged for food, willing to eat anything they could swallow, alive or dead.


The Great Scarabs of Wyvernhold used to roam the deserts in groups ranging in size from 5 to 50 members, referred to by Mystic Order researchers as a "Phalanx". The Phalanx would scavenge for food, often keeping their distance from known population centers.

Several Great Scarabs were domesticated by the Covenant of the Sacred Dragon, a dragonborn theocracy that modern-day Wyvernhold descends from. They used the Great Scarabs both as transportation and as war machines. Handlers were known to form almost symbiotic retaionships with their assigned mounts, resulting in reduced casualties among warriors and increased safety among merchants and other travellers.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Little is known abount the sensory capabilities of Magna Scarabaeus, as the species has been extinct for more than a millennium. It is impossible to tell, as it is now known that they had some degree to magic resistance or immunity, the knowledge of which has since been lost or was never known at all, as they elude all attempts to raise a deceased specimen by magic or other means including necromancy.

Scientific Name
Magna Scarabaeus
Geographic Distribution


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