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The Crimson Legion

The Crimson Legion is an ancient and highly revered order of knights who are dedicated to upholding justice and protecting the innocent. They are known for their distinctive crimson armor and their unwavering commitment to their cause. The Crimson Legion is based in a great fortress, located in a remote, mountainous region that is difficult to access, which only adds to their reputation as a secretive and mysterious organization.   The knights of The Crimson Legion are highly skilled in combat, with each member trained in a wide variety of weapons and tactics. They are also well-versed in diplomacy and are known for their ability to negotiate peaceful resolutions to conflicts. The order has a strict code of honor that all members are required to follow, which includes principles such as courage, integrity, and selflessness.   Membership in The Crimson Legion is highly exclusive, with only the most skilled and dedicated warriors considered for induction. Prospective members must undergo a rigorous training regimen and are subject to intense scrutiny before they are admitted into the order. Once a knight is accepted into The Crimson Legion, they are bound by an unbreakable oath to defend the weak, uphold justice, and serve the greater good, no matter the cost.



The size of The Crimson Legion can vary depending on the needs and demands of the situation. Typically, the Legion is composed of around 1000 highly skilled warriors, with support staff and supply chains included, bringing the total number to around 2000. However, in times of war or major conflicts, the Legion can expand to up to 5000 soldiers, with an additional 2000 in the supply chain and support staff.


The Crimson Legion is equipped with a variety of weapons and armor suited to their individual roles within the order.   BladeKeepers are equipped with dual swords and wear light armor that allows for quick movement and stealth. They also carry medical supplies and other tools necessary for their role as scouts and assassins.   Battlemasters are equipped with flails and wear heavy armor that provides excellent protection in close combat. They also carry siege weapons and other tools necessary for their role as frontline fighters and siege engineers.   Sentinel wear partial plate armor with chainmail and leather and wield massive two-handed longswords for slashing enemies and blocking attacks. They are also trained as diplomats and carry tools necessary for their role as negotiators and peacekeepers.   Justiciar wear heavy plate armor and wield poleaxes, which they use to deliver powerful, precise strikes. They also carry tools necessary for their role as enforcers of justice and maintainers of order.   Warbringer wear heavy plate armor and wield flamberge greatswords, which they imbue with dark power to weed out all liars and impostors. They also carry tools necessary for their role as conquerors and recruiters of new warriors.   The Crimson Legion also includes engineers, healers, and other support staff who are equipped with the tools necessary for their roles, including siege weapons, medical supplies, and cooking equipment.


The Crimson Legion primarily relies on horses as their main mode of transportation, with each knight having their own horse. They also have a limited number of carts for transporting supplies and equipment, as well as a few wagons for the siege weapons. The officers typically ride on larger, more impressive horses to set them apart from the rest of the knights.   In terms of siege weapons, the Crimson Legion carries a variety of them to suit different situations. They have a few battering rams for breaking down gates, as well as a few trebuchets for hurling large rocks or other objects at enemy fortifications. They also have a few ballistae for firing bolts at enemy troops and structures. The siege weapons are typically operated by specially trained soldiers within the formation, under the supervision of the officers.   For scouting and reconnaissance, the Crimson Legion relies on their skilled riders and trackers to gather information about enemy movements and territory. They do not have any specialized scout vehicles, but they may use captured enemy vehicles or animals for this purpose if available.


The legion is divided into ten cohorts, each containing six centuriae or 60 soldiers, for a total of 600 soldiers per cohort. Each cohort is commanded by a centurion, with a senior centurion acting as the cohort's second-in-command. The entire legion is commanded by a legatus, who is supported by staff officers and aides.   In addition to the legionary structure, the Crimson Legion has specialized units for communications, logistics, and medical support. The communications unit is responsible for maintaining contact between the different cohorts and with the legion's command structure, using signal flags, horns, and drums. The logistics unit is responsible for ensuring that the legion is adequately supplied with food, water, and other provisions, as well as managing the transportation of supplies and equipment. The medical unit includes healers and physicians who are trained in battlefield medicine and first aid, and who are responsible for caring for the wounded and sick.


The Crimson Legion primarily relies on scare tactics to gain an advantage over their enemies. They refuse to use any strategy that is seen as cowardly or dishonorable. They believe that fear is the greatest weapon, and use it to demoralize their enemies and break their will to fight. They often employ gruesome displays of violence, such as public executions or impaling their enemies on spikes, to strike fear into the hearts of their foes.   On the battlefield, they often use unconventional tactics to catch their enemies off guard, such as sudden charges or feigned retreats. They believe that a show of strength and fearlessness will cause their enemies to hesitate and make mistakes, giving them the opportunity to strike.   The Crimson Legion also values discipline and order above all else. They maintain strict hierarchies within their ranks, with officers leading by example and enforcing the rules with swift and severe punishment. They are highly organized and efficient in their operations, with specialized units for different tasks such as siege warfare, cavalry, and archery.   Overall, the Crimson Legion is a fearsome force on the battlefield, relying on their reputation and tactics to strike fear into their enemies and gain the advantage in combat.
10000~ BGC
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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