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The Physician

As the head of faith to the Nine, I would describe The Physician as a compassionate and skilled goddess of medicine and health. She is the patron saint of all those who seek healing, whether physical or mental, and her blessings are often sought by those in need of medical attention.
  The Physician is known for her ability to heal the sick and wounded, and her followers believe that her divine touch can cure even the most dire of ailments. Her temples are places of refuge for the sick and injured, and her priests and priestesses are trained in the art of medicine so that they can help those who seek their aid.
  As the sister of the Warrior, The Physician is often seen as his opposite. While the Warrior represents the harsh realities of combat and death, The Physician embodies the healing and nurturing aspects of life. However, despite their differences, the two siblings are said to have a close relationship, and their arguments over the treatment of the injured are a common topic among the faithful.
  Overall, The Physician is a beloved and revered figure among the followers of the Nine, and her influence can be felt throughout the land. Her teachings emphasize the importance of caring for one's body and mind, and her followers strive to embody her compassion and dedication to healing.


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