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Half-elves often appear primarily human, with subtly pointed ears and a taller stature than most full-blooded humans. Half-elves live longer than other humans, often reaching an age around 150 years. This causes some of them to fear friendship and romance with humans, knowing that they’ll likely outlive their companions. The elven traces in their blood still linger, providing benefits which distinguish them from normal humans. //Earned Glory + Elf Atavism + Inspire Imitation + Supernatural Charm //     In the Empire
The Aiuvarins are often disliked in the empire for they rebbeled against the empire, and lost. The Caliban dislike them for their elven heritage although they are not elves at all. The half-elves rebeld against this racist discrimination, demanding equal place in the empire. Their rebelion was brutally squashed by the empire, their role at logistics was take and given to the Goblins instead. With their morale shattered and their status in the empire a little higher than common criminals, a lot of Aiuvarins are refugees in the  surrounding regions of the empire. Those who stayed still struggle with the after math of the rebellion.
  Outside the empire
A lot of Aiuvarins are refugees from the empire.


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