Neboxus Geographic Location in Kastea | World Anvil
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Neboxus takes up the entire eastern seaboard and is bordered only by Inides. It is a land with mostly grasslands, although it does have predominant temperate deciduous forests mostly around the borders, temperate rainforests mostly in the north, tropical seasonal forests in the southeast and southwest, a small bit of savannah to the south, and some taiga and wetlands in the north.


The Gemolicia River is the main river that controls trade from the western shores of Neboxus. It goes from Gemetorum to Vesontiagus in Piscumia, from there the trade routes open up to the rest of the continent.


In the deciduous forests and grasslands the weather changes with the seasons. These two areas see all four seasons throughout the year. In the Tropical seasonal rainforests it's mostly Spring and Summer-like weather, with just a few weeks of Fall-like weather. In the Wetlands to the north there can be muggy hot weather during the day, which drops to almost freezing temperatures during the nights. In the taiga, it is cold year round with snow and subarctic temperatures, in the warmer months it is still cold and there is a layer of permafrost still on the hard cold ground. In contrast, the Savannah towards the south is generally hot with mostly brown vegetation, with the occasional (1 week per year) downpour of torrential rains.

Localized Phenomena

The Gemolicia River is the main river that controls trade from the western shores of Neboxus. It goes from Gemetorum to Vesontiagus in Piscumia, from there the trade routes open up to the rest of the continent.   SPECIAL SITES   The Bridge of the Peace-Bringer About 300 years ago, the Countries of Neboxus and Piscumia went to war with each other. How the war started, no one really knows anymore. What everyone does know, is that the Emperor of Neboxus is the Suzerain to the King of Piscumia, and Piscumia is the Vassal. The war lasted about 100 years before there was finally a semblance of peace.   How the tale goes is that after years of a constant threat of battles between the two countries, Piscumia was getting ready to make a final stand. They had already lost thousands of their people in the war, innocents and those not-so-innocent alike. They had all their forces ready to march across the Gemolicia River and on to Mantiavum, a key location in the wars, in the hopes of overthrowing the city and subduing it, thereby claiming it as a part of their lands. As they were gearing up to march across the bridge, they were stopped by a man, a single, solitary man, who went by the name Balimaar Brixton.   Now, there was nothing particularly special about Balimaar, in fact there was nothing special about him at all, except for one thing. Balimaar was very good with words. Balimaar, as like everyone else, was tired of all the wars. He was tired of the fighting, and bloodshed, and the constant fear of whether or not his home was going to be destroyed by one side or the other. See, Balimaar didn't live in any of the cities, he lived in the town of Casrum. Now Casrum was nowhere near the size it is now, no, Casrum was just a small town, and it was directly in the path to Mantiavum. No one knows how Balimaar knew that the Piscumians were going to march to Mantiavum, but somehow he knew. It wasn't uncommon for the smaller towns to be ransacked as a force of one army or the other went through the area, for supplies and such, and Balimaar didn't want that happening to his little town. So, he went to the bridge to try and speak with the leaders of the Piscumian Army to see if he could dissuade them from at least marching near Casrum. Little did he know, that his speech to the leaders of Piscumia lit the spark for peace between the nations.   The Piscumian leaders talked with Balimaar for almost 3 days, as the story goes, and finally came to a conclusion; If Balimaar could persuade the Neboxian Emperor the same way that he persuaded them, they will sit down with Neboxus and discuss terms of peace, but only if Balimaar was included in the talks. These peace talks went on for about 3 months before finally being agreed upon, and a treaty set into place: The Treaty of the Peace-Bringer.   This treaty set into motion the way that these two countries now relate to each other. Neboxus as the Suzerain and Piscumia as the Vassal. This is the only way that it would work out, as Piscumia was on it's last legs, and in no position to make too many demands. As the Suzerain, Neboxus would collect the taxes from their Vassal and would have a say in the leadership of Piscumia. Piscumia would enjoy the benefits of being an independent country and being able to control its internal autonomy (to a major degree), and also the protection of Neboxus. After that Balimaar was considered a hero, as much as he would claim not to be. Nevertheless, he was a hero, to the point that for a brief time Casrum was renamed to Balimaarum in his honor. The only reason that Balimaar agreed to this, was because he had convinced the emperor, and the governing officials of Casrum, to change it back to Casrum upon his death. Funny thing that last part. No one knows how or why, but Balimaar's fortune took a turn for the worse. He died not more than a month after that.   About 100 years ago, the tradition of the reading of the Treaty was started, which also brings with it a great celebration and a feast.

Natural Resources

The Grasslands produce Wheat, Corn, Livestock (cattle, sheep, horses, goats, emus, turkeys), and Oats. The Temperate Deciduous Forests produce Lumber (Oak, Beech, Maple, Chestnut, Elm, Birch, Walnut). The Seasonal Tropical Rainforests produce Fruits (citrus, cassava, avocado), Nuts (Brazil, cashew), and Spices (vanilla, sugar), and foods (coffee, tea, cocoa). Temperate Rainforests produce Lumber (firs, cedars, spruce, hemlock, maple, dogwood), Useful Plants (vines, moss, ferns, other plants that are useful for medicines). Savannahs produce Lumber (Acacia, Jackalberry), Food (Lemon Grass, JackalberriesWhite Raisin Bush), also agricultural goods (shrubs, grasses, animals). The wetlands produce Food (fish/shellfish, blueberries, cranberries, wild rice, Groundnut), Medicinal produce (plants and soil). The Taiga produce Natural Gases, Precious Metals (gold, copper, silver), Metals (iron), diamonds, coal.


Although the cities are highly populated with Humans, and some Half-Elves, Halflings, and Gnomes; between cities, the forests are home to the Elves and other Fey creatures. The Grasslands are not highly populated, although there are some small villages comprised of some of the Barbarian tribes and Settlers. Most people who live in the Grasslands are highly suspicious as the lands can be quite dangerous, and you can never trust the Barbarians. There is not much humanoid life in the Savannah, but it is known for the wild animals that run around. In the wetlands, there are some cities and smaller villages that live there, these are the harvesters of most of the products that come out of the marshlands. There are no civilized colonies in the Taiga.   POLITICS & OVERARCHING HIERARCHIES
Neboxus is the Suzerain for the Duchy of Piscumia. With this in place, Piscumia realizes that it is an 'Independent" state, but still gets the benefit of being protected by the larger country of Neboxus. Neboxus' government is the Vierucusian Empire and as such is led by their Emperor Tiswin Orcfoe.   RELIGION & CULTURE   Religion Neboxus is not highly religious, although most do worship the standard gods. The cities Hertistella and Aquindaula do have special religious festivals; Hertistella at the Summer Equinox and Aquindaula at the winter Equinox.   Culture
  • Refusing a gift is considered a grave insult.
  • A gift of red fruit is considered a death threat, as red fruit is commonly seen as poisonous.
  Greetings: Formal situations require the lesser person to kneel. If the status difference is slight, it is only kneeling on one knee. If the status difference is great, the lesser person must prostrate themselves. In informal situations, simple nodding the head is acceptable.


Gemetorum- Lumber (Maple, Oak, and Birch) Casrum - Livestock (cattle, sheep, and horses) Villum - Grass products (baskets, rugs, shirts/skirts) Ovioloduro - Fruits, Spices, and Food (cocoa) Coduvia/Cerantiabi - Fish/Shellfish, Groundnut, Medicinal produce (Marshpepper Smartweed) Brivium - Precious Metals (silver)   Trade with at 80%: Piscumia Vellethea Kristia Jiukok Renhia   Trade with 100%: Sabara Chosax Qirguan Azra   Trade with at 150%: Inides Mollorth Lekos Redlesia     REGIONAL SPECIALTIES   Food   Kinter The specialty food produced by Neboxus is called Kinter. It's made from fermented herring, dried by moonlight, kneaded, and rolled into a cylinder (some regions add a little butter to it). It's then placed on a spit and cooked over a roaring fire. After that, it is placed in special jars to ferment it longer (2 seasons). It is served ladled into a large bowl and eaten with friends.   It smells better than it sounds.   Drink   Dragon Milk - not really milk, or related to dragons. It's an expensive white drink, resembling milk (duh) that removes any alcohol in your body. As a result you exhale fire in the form of a single burp, resembling a dragon.   DIPLOMACY   Neboxus is Suzerain to the following States:
  • Piscumia
  • Neboxus is Allied with the following States:
  • Jiukok
  • Neboxus is Friendly with the following States:
  • Renhia
  • Kristia
  • Vellethia
  • Neboxus is Neutral with the following States:
  • Azra
  • Qirguan
  • Chosax
  • Sabara
  • Neboxus is Suspicious of the following States:
  • Inides
  • Mollorth
  • Lekos
  • Redlesia
  • Neboxus does not know of the following States:
  • Ederin
  • Sorbak
  • Type

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