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The Soul Shredder

Appearance   The Soul Shredder is a sword little longer than an arm, but backed up in its size by the jagged teeth that jut out from its blade. These teeth are from exsanguinators, reptilian scepters that live only in the darkest reaches of mountains and forests. To look at from a distance, it is an ungainly, gore covered device, forged for the necessities of relentless war, but as you look closer some of the finer details start to show. Its handle is crafted out of contorted skulls speared on a blood encrusted, copper shaft, with viscous spikes protruding from the mouths of these skulls. Archaic symbols are engraved on these skulls and the blade, their meaning long lost to normal civilisation, only known by those demonic beast-shamans that dwell in the wilds no standard mortal would dare travel. Further adding to its frightening form, spiked copper chains also engraved in ancient script coils around the handle shaft, binding the powerful entities possessing it.   Effects   The soul shredder is possessed by the fractured spirit of the bloodthirsty wight king Narakash, known for stitching and welding together the bodies of his victims and enemies in hellforges to create vengeful beasts of hatred and death for his army. As a result of this possession, the soul shredder will glow and ignite with murderous intent in the heat of battle, burning enemies into piles of ashen blood, and often injuring the wielder. This weapon earns its name, even though it bestows tremendous power, because of Narakash’s tendency to fracture the bearer's personality into many facets, from kind and thoughtful, to sadistic and homicidal. This can often lead to mistrust, hatred, and spite in tight knit communities, and more than once there have been instances of the shredder being the only thing standing in a scene of bloodshed and destruction.   History   Though it isn’t completely known when the shredder was forged, it is thought to be around 4000 PI in the time the first rifts of the 1st cataclysm opened up, considering Narakash’s death 100 years earlier. Over the years, its recorded wielders have been: Kasmoteph of the Torion tribe (3897 PI) Lord Vavodé of House Excorius (3601 PI) Prince Yion of Grividale (3433 PI) Eleroth (3380) Anjion the saviour (2267) Xaphonex the ravener (2000 PI) After these recorded wielders, The Soul Shredder was kept in the care of the Terronite government, and only used for short periods due to the effects of the weapon.
Item type
Weapon, Melee

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Jul 19, 2024 17:55

I was bored af in summer