

Orphaned in a war for land between Storm Giants and Orcs, A young Orc child was taken in by a Giant Soldier named IL'Vitag.   Born and raised in Lurkwood ( )   IL'Vitag being a well respected fighting within the Giant ranks was allowed to take the the young Orc in with the requirements that he be taught the ways of the the Giants, After confirming the sex of the Orc he went with the name Azlar, and since the Orc was a male he was given the prefix of IL’ as all male Giants are given, (the female giants are given the prefix of IK’ and anyone who falls outside the gender binary uses ULK’)   IL’Vitag attempted to teach IL’Azlar the history of the Giants and the stories surrounding the Dragon wars and most other key points of lore but IL’Alzar being orc born and always wanting to fight he never really paid much attention to IL’Vitag’s teachings   IL’Vitag knowing that most weapons would be to large for IL’Azlar to wield he had his own giant longsword reforged into 2 longswords, And as a sign of respect to IL’Azlar’s orcish origin had on one of the swords the words “The Blood Of The Orcs” written in orcish engraved on the blade and on the other “The Might Of The Giants” written in Giant.   After many years of training in the ways of the Giant’s fighting style called Rune Knights, IL’Alzar became quite proficient as a fighter, However one day in the end of month fit pit that the Giants held in order to test their skills, IL’Azlar killed his opponent in a blind rage that no one could not explain, Most Giants looked on in horror while the brother of the Giant IL’Azlar had killed jumped into the pit to attempt to stop IL’Azlar rage, After beating IL’Azlar to unconscious attempts were made to try and revive the brother however nothing could be done, A few days after the incident the Giant leaders voted and decided to kick IL’Azlar out of the community     Not really having a place to call home anymore IL’Alzar decided to travel around the world and get into underground fight pits to earn coin until one day traveling in a caravan and ending up in phandalin.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Large Fucking Orc with scaring for many battles

Facial Features

Heavy brow with red war paint/Blood smeared across his face A Large beard

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



If he can fuck it, He's down for anything


Taught about Dragons and Giants by his Giant Father



Accomplishments & Achievements

Killed a few dragons (1) Is becoming the champion of Storm Giants

Failures & Embarrassments

Is perfect and hs never once fucked up

Mental Trauma

Fear of spiders from training gone wrong

Intellectual Characteristics

So smart :3

Morality & Philosophy

Protect the weak, Sunder the strong, Die fighting for something


Eating meat

An Orphaned Orc raised by the same Giants the killed his Orc family, Rasied and Taught the ways of the Storm giants, And now wields the weapon once made for the champion of Giants

Current Location
View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep grey
Big and Beefy
Known Languages
Common Draconic Giant Orc Primordial


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