Welcome to Katashaka

The Dark Continent

From the scholar and scribe Nerwingilm in 1492 DR... 

"Katashaka is largely unexplored, but not for want of trying. In addition to the Coastal Survey you provided me, I was able to find a number of different sources - some more exacting than others - that explain Katashaka's biomes, features, settlements and other attributes. I have pieced together as much as I could find, and have done my best to update the map accordingly. Where possible, I have translated some names to common. The northernmost points of the island continent are either tropical jungles or rainforest. Hard to say exactly, but there are at least three that have been recorded over time: The Tempest Wilds, Great Anaconda and the Echoing Isles. Sailors have noted smoke columns rising from the Echoing Isles and blotting out the sun and stars. Safe to assume these are volcanoes.   At the southernmost point of the Lopangan Sea is the port city of Taerloon. It straddles the mighty Azur River that connects it downstream to Lake Olurobu, the ancient city of Alliz-Dren, cuts through the Inahan Plains and runs as far south as the town of Akongo. Akongo is otherwise known as The Gateway to the South, referencing its position to the Southern Highlands. At the centre of the Southern Highlands, the Heart of Toril (sic) dominates the skyline. One account suggests the colossal mountain could be as tall as Cloudspire.   There are references to the mountains of Mithral Spine and Sleeper Peaks, a great desert called The Dread Expanse (sic), as well as Fathaghn Forest. However, I could not find any notes or summaries from the planned expeditions to those areas.   Recent reports suggest a settlement named Orlon has been established in Cutlass Straight. Fearing the straight dominated by pirates and sea monsters, though, means it's largely undocumented.   Lastly, I found one curious report of a fey child who'd gone missing, and returned to the Feywild some 15 years later. She claimed she had accidentally stumbled into a city on the material plane called Moonfell. Upon her return, she told stories of arcane forests and mountains made of pure obsidian. Shortly thereafter, she disappeared again. It should be noted that no coastal surveys or ship logs have ever reported seeing a city in this location. Anyway, I've marked what I believe to be its parallel position to the Feywild."


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