Mihaela Thorngage Character in Katya | World Anvil
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Mihaela Thorngage

Mihaela Thorngage

Mihaela was born into a family of traveling performers. Her parents used to tell stories and entertain the punters of their circus sometimes her "ma" would sing tales of heroic feats and strange lands. There were also jugglers, "magicians", games of skill and all sorts of other forms of entertainment that would bring joy and revelry to the towns and cities they visited. They travelled on the waterways and would live for the most part in their boats. Occasionally they would be put up by local residents in return for the entertainment they brought.   During her childhood and adolescent years Mihaela worked tending the troupe's animals and ships as was tradition, although she did start being involved in the performances as she approached adulthood. Once an adult Mihaela was expected to preform, but her introverted nature meant she hated being shoved in front of people for their entertainment and with her parents support she was excused from preforming. Mihaela found this life menial, degrading and boring, and she soon began to feel trapped. She began to long for a freer existence and, to her parents dismay, committed to leaving the troupe.   Her younger brother Perrin was her only real friend due to the travelling nature of her life. They would get into mischief together, running off into the surrounding area to escape the lives they loathed. Their bond was strong and full of practical jokes, banter and one-upmanship. They often found themselves wondering what lay beyond the river lands and used to spend time telling each other imaginary stories of lands far away.   Eventually both her and her brother felt that they were not living the right life and they both knew that they were wasting away their time as members of the troupe. They desired more freedom and wanted to go out into the world and explore. With their parents blessing they set off on their own. Mihaela promised her "ma" and "pa" that she would look after Perrin and so they set off.   On the road due to her own ineptitude her brother and only friend in the world died in a tragic accident. This event completely de-shovelled Mihaela. The event broke her, she became depressed and lost her desire to see the world which had been the dream she and Perrin had had together.   More than ten years on she has given into her deep routed psychological issues and just tries to get through each day, turning to a life of petty crime. She has had run ins with the shadow thieves and so kept traveling onwards ever fearful of being recognised.   Her parents still don't know of Perrins death and so she has shed her last name in fear of being recognised. Fortunately not many people ask too many questions of an un supposing halfling.   The Thorngage family is a large mainly nomadic family that worship Llirra, the Goddess of Joy. It is through her divine will that they travel around bringing joy to others. Each year at the summer equinox they gather on the shores of the Emerald Depths south of Yita to witness the spectacle that results in the lakes namesake. This is a chance to see family members that have been travelling about during the last year.

Physical Description

Body Features

Dryad tattoo on left arm

Facial Features

Scar under left eye

Identifying Characteristics

Scar under left eye
Dryad tattoo on left arm

Personality Characteristics


To find a friend

Likes & Dislikes

Likes playing games
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
12th Parith, 824th Year Of The Age Of Air
The Rusby, the Reed Road
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Thieves' cant

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Walden Heights
4th-7th of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air

4th of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air, Taramont Pemu gnome, I wish he had stayed out of all of this, for all our sakes. Overhearing us talking to Ailuin in tower, yaga, what was he doing listening to us? Now we have to trust him to hold his tongue? I would be more comfortable if he was with someone I trusted, as apparently keeping him somewhere he cannot blather is wrong simply because only example I could think of was dungeon. Pish. It is shame Tata and Nana have gone, I would have felt better if this fool had been left in their care. Not to mention it would have been nice to see them once more, I have missed them over years. At least we no longer have to worry about prisoner we took in mountains. And I look forward to getting my new armour when we next return to this damn town. Even if it was expensive. It feels strange to spend so lavishly after all these long years, 200g. I would never have thought of spending that much year ago on glorified clothing. 6th of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air, Mountains On approach to Walden Heights we came across these giants. Or something, to be honest I am not sure what they were but they made hideous noise. We tried to sneak past them, but after climbing cliff face as she tried to flank them Babcha fell and seemed to attract their attention. Fortunately she was quick enough to disappear somewhere before they saw her and I managed to get Uthal to throw stone in opposite direction to try and distract them. I think it worked. Then I saw Babcha at top of cliff, she was waving at us like reed in wind trying to get us to follow her. I quickly made my way to base and climbed rope she had lowered and Nettle followed. Uthal, pemee, then went up to things and seemed to start talking to them. I have little idea what happened but they seemed provoked to anger. At that point I feared worst, but rather than attacking Uthal as I had feared they started fighting amongst themselves. Babcha then loosed her bow and I followed with my crossbow. Soon three things were on floor and we could safely continue. No thanks to Nettle. 7th of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air, Walden Heights I hate orcs, savages. We arrived at Walden Heights to sight of normal town, or so it looked. Red Dragon I saw on wing soon changed my perspective and it was not long before we could make out green skins in town. We hastened to town only to find mob of barbaric creatures attacking woman and man and their children. We all rushed in to try and save them but in spite of our best efforts we could not save mother. Thank yaga Nettle actually did something this time. And I think it good thing all those scum lay dead when we were done. We then fled to keep with yet more orcs chasing us. I am glad we are all safe now, but yaga, Babcha cut it close. To close for my comfort.

Interrogations, but why the animals?
3rd-4th of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air

3rd of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air, Mountains So, our little prisoner gave us bit of information while I made sure gnome was ok. We then had look at puzzle box man had been carrying. Me and Uthsl eventually got it open and when we did Babcha wanted to be one who read documents inside, as if she had done something. We also let halfling look at them, though I still do not know why he gets to benefit. We are ones who shed blood to get them. Still, at least when he took his leave he killed grokkel so I do not have to worry about him coming for his things this time. Although I thought he wanted to question him. Pemu. Also makes me wonder why he asked me to move him if was always going to just kill him. I wonder if he was just trying to impress us, he was trying to talk big then. But, Yaga, I am so cold. I wish Ailuin had not done whatever magic she did when she arrived. I did not like it how snow just started swirling round me, all this is so strange. But when this spell, or whatever, stopped all that snow, which had melted, fell on me. Pish. And now I am so cold, all I can say is thank Yaga for this fire. All that being said, it was good to see Ailuin. I know she means a lot to Babcha and I think she was worried when we could not find her in Taramont last. It was less good to see the state of her, she looks like she got beat up. And that bird thing she road in on, looks the same as whatever we met on way here just passed tower. I hope it is ok. Yaga, I am still cold, but this fire is starting to help.   4th of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air, Mountains Yaga, would people stop turning into animals. Got attacked by mob of orc bandits last night. What won the fight? Was it Uthal turning into bear? No. Was it Uthal turning into wolf? No, although he did. It was when this great big dragon came down and scared away orcs. Who was this dragon? Azshara. Everyone is turning into animals and I do not like it. I want it to stop. Although, I should be grateful. I could not see any of them lurking in dark when they first called out, and then Babcha made me stop glowing and stopped fire, so I could not see anything, at least until Nettle lit torch. I made my way up cliff face at back of camp opposite of where sounds came from. Fortunately no one was there. I then readied my crossbow and waited. I did not have to wait long as soon hordes of orcs swamped into camp. I loosed bolt at first one as it headed to Babcha, and what shot, I found my mark and felled brute. Unfortunately, I could not stop any others as they surrounded my friends. I saw Babcha fall, and even though Ailuin joined fight it looked lost. I saw Nettle run, I do not think I have ever seen her flee fight. Uthal did not, which does not surprise me. I do not think he knows how to leave fight. But then, as I and Nettle where fleeing and sounds of battle betrayed what was happening behind us, giant dragon appeared and next thing I knew was orc giving order to flee. I made my way back to camp and saw Ailuin talking to dragon as if she knew it. Then dragon turned into Azshara. Yaga, what is going on?

Battle of the mountain camp
3rd of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air

3rd of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air, Mountains After waking we continued ease in search of this rendezvous. After while we found tower that note described as next waypoint and turned north. I wonder if we will regret not looking into the source of that smoke. Soon Babcha noticed some footprints, obviously from some small humanoid. As it might have been our halfling friend from Rusty Dragon I told others what Xaon had told us when we went to king. I do not think Babcha was best pleased. As such we continued north post haste. And did not we then get sight. On path was this giant bird thing with injured wing. Uthal and Babcha started approaching it carefully and threw some food down for it. Soon it left, I hope it is ok, and we headed north. As it was starting to get dark we saw light from fire on top of ridge. We approached as quietly as we could, which was not easy as I could barely see anything. I heard some people calling out to each other and it seems like those footprints might have been gnome, who promptly got himself tied up. Eventually inevitable happened and combat began. Uthal turned himself into giant spider, which brought back unwelcome memories, but at least he tried to tell me and when he picked me up and carried me on his back it made for easy way up hill. Nettle ran off by herself and I had no idea where Babcha was at this point. Turns out there was someone from empire who had this metal beast under his control. I loosed bolt at man but then beast attacked me. But with my help, Babcha and her wolf, which had been following us for some strange reason, managed to weaken beast, as did Uthal who landed killing blow with javelin. Then, with everyone around him, man surrendered. Babcha then hurried off and when I caught up with her she was with another man, who I soon recognised as grokkel who tried to kill me and stole my things first night at Final Toll. And Babcha made him give it all back. We then returned with this other prisoner, who was acting very strangely, to Uthal and Nettle and searched camp. Then we were accosted by halfling from Rusty Dragon, who was most upset that we had ruined his grand plans to infiltrate Black Roses. Yaga, what care I? we all then started trying to agree on who should get what. Seems little unfair to me that he should prosper from fruits of our labour.

To Mountains, and surprising wolves
2nd-3rd of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air

2nd of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air, The mountains It took us fair to long to decide what to do this morning. I read note out for them and I said we had about 36 hours before this meeting so clearly time was of essence, but they went round and round in conversation about what to do. Finally we decided that we should ask king for use if his airship and Uthal wanted to talk to high druid. So we split up, Uthal and Babcha went to druid while I went to king with Nettle. I did not look forward to that meeting. When we met him he refused to let us use airship, saying he hadn’t given us right to use it, but would grant right if we proved ourselves. Pem grockel, it is not like we were wanting to go gang jolly. We wanted it to do task he had set us. Fortunately someone there decided it worthwhile to offer us aid and said we could use teleportation chamber in Circle of Mages tower. We also got some interesting news from Seeker Xaon. Apparently halfling from Rusty Dragon may have been member of some group and was working with Xaon. Nettle said she had not met him, so assuming she was not lying, other two might be having to explain themselves. Anyway, we set off to tower and Babcha strange talking bird came down to squawk at me about how others had found way to Briar Pass. We stayed with our original means as Babcha said she would meet us there. After some time waiting around in tower for what Babcha called “bureaucracy” we were finally allowed to go. We put our hands on this thing in the middle of room and next thing I knew we were somewhere else. I do not like this strange stuff. Never thought I would say this, but u prefer boat. When we went to leave this new keep place couple of upstarts decided to quiz us, one just wanted to know who we were and what we were doing, other was rather threatening and aggressive. If Nettle doesn’t talk to others about him I think I should. Whatever, we were allowed to leave and set off down path looking for stone described in note. We found Babcha and Uthal waiting couple of miles down road and continued with them. When we found stone we turned east off path as directions on note said. After while we came to what seemed like dead end, but more significant than that was all the pools of green around and strange statues or, at least, they looked like statues. More significant that that was strange metal beast that came out of cave. Yaga, I wanted to stay away from it. But, thankfully, we felled it fairly quickly. Uthal, pemu, decided to get all up close and personal before transforming into bear. Nettle also got bit close, but soon backed away. While Uthal wrestled with beast, and Babcha did I do not know what, I kept my distance and loosed at it with my crossbow. Not that it seemed to do much at first, but my third bolt seemed to reveal weakness in its armour. Or hide. Or whatever. Then Babcha came into fight in spectacular fashion, sending one blast at beast which seemed to finish it off even though it had enough left in it to at least start running at Nettle before exploding. If you are only going to make one contribution to fight, I guess it is good to make it count. After beast fell I retrieved the one bolt that survived before taking careful look at that note, I wanted to make sure we were going right way. Which it seemed we were. As such we continued until we decided it was time to make camp and found sheltered little alcove and made fire. After having some of Uthal berries and tea he made from them Babcha decided she would take first watch and left us. Uthal went to talk to Nettle, it was interesting listening to her talk about her background. And that floating sword of hers is strange. 3rd of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air, The mountains Babcha woke us up last night while it was still dark. Soon it became apparent why as pack of wolves appeared at top of ridge behind our camp. Babcha tried to reason with what I assume was leader but he ignored us and told pack to attack us. Fortunately, for some reason lot of them just came up and kind of wandered around. It was some fight, there was this massive white wolf that spewed horrible cold force at us. I kind of lost track of what happened, it was somewhat chaotic, but I loosed bolt at leader before I got attacked by another wolf. I spent rest of fight engaged with it and eventually felled it, poor thing. I wish it did not have to be. When fight was over all the wolves ran away bar two, great big white one and what turned out to be Uthal.

Debts paid
1st-2nd of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air

1st of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air, Taramont After council we discussed our intentions for following morning and I then took my leave. On way to find my parents I passed ferris wheel and you could still see where Uthal orc friend had landed. I reckon that will make story or tow, maybe even song. When I got to site where all performers tents where I asked someone if he knew where Thorngages where and if he could show me. He did, fortunately, and when I arrived at my ma and pa tent Nana was sat up. Soon we had agreed to go out for dinner and I led them to Delosar. I am so happy that Nana is recovered. At Delosar he claimed that there had been complaints regarding his food, I wonder why. Pem ooze. All is well and for better though I guess, as he bought this strange thing that made dinner for us. It seemed reasonably priced too, 5G/5 for three meals and three drinks. If we come back to Taramont I might recommend this place. While conversation was little awkward at start, Yaga I did not know what to say, it started to flow eventually, especially after we had finished eating. It was so nice to be with them both, I had not realised how much I had missed them. And was it nice to play tongo without having to explain game. It was sad they had to go as early as they did, but it might be for best. I am sure good nights rest will be helpful. Not to mention it meant I got back at same time as Nettle. Something makes me suspect Babcha visit to Arbiter did not go as planned.   2nd of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air, Taramont I was woken by loud crash this morning. But when I got to Uthal room, where it had come from, all I found was fool under his bed. Yep, definitely did not go to plan. Oh, listening to Babcha now. No, things did not go to plan. Uthal was meant to get some herbs and ended up in fight with eight people somehow. Sounds like last night would have been fun to watch. Now to sort out Butterbur issue.   Well that did not go as expected. I was hoping this halfling would be in bar so I could go up and talk to him. But I needed drink if I was to sit in bar and wait, I could not say anything because Butterbur would recognise my voice. Yaga, I did not realise how rude he was when I first met him. Grockel. Anyway, he asked his guard to escort me out, but not before I had tried to signal to Uthal to get others. Whatever, by time I was halfway to exit I had had enough of playing and took off my hat. Now pem guard started dragging me to back to be put with “the others”, whatever that means. I think someone should find out. Then Babcha appeared and, I am guessing, started playing with fire as it changed colour. Not that it did much or stopped me getting dragged down side corridor. But there things changed as suddenly Butterbur fell asleep. Tired of this pem dragging me around I tried to stab him but he deflected my blow then he swung at me with his sword. But before either of us could do anything else he let go, I guess it must have been Babcha doing as shethen told me to run before doing so herself. I also took my leave, but not without keeping my promise to Butterbur on way. Once I got my knife free I made for exit, but when I rounded corner into corridor it seems guard came free of whatever Babcha had done to him as he started chasing me. In bar I saw red haired halfling lying on floor, I guess that must have been Uthal work as he got note, or maybe Nettle. not sure where she was in all this. Doing something useful I hope. But all well as we all got out. Apparently I am no longer welcome there. When Uthal showed me note it was little hard to read but it mentioned meeting up in Maytarn Mountains. And I think we have 36 hours to get there. I am not sure how we are going to do all this. We have still got Thorbir to save.

Council's held
1st of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air, Taramont

1st of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air, Taramont They say I am money grabbing coin whore. 2g for 20 arrows at pemu shop, and Nettle charged me twice that! Coin whore indeed, but at least it means I will not suffer that pemee again. At least, hopefully. I am glad halfling girl is ok, or as ok as you can be after being dragged out burning building. I hope she gets better, those at Temple of Helm had better look after her.   Milil, I was not looking forward to that council meeting, but it turned out ok in end. After long discussion it seems that progress will actually be made with refugees outside. Council agreed to provide them with food and water, while things could be put in place to disperse them across cities and give them citizenship. I understand their concerns that there is imperial spies among refugees, but it should not be too hard to find them jobs where they can not find any useful information and, once they have identified spies, they can even feed them false information. Fools did not see it prudent to look into vampire issue though, pemay, pem groackelay. At least it meant we got to see who is sensible and who is callus grockel. On plus side, when we spoke of Viconius Babcha revealed his true nature and he was subsequently stripped of his position on council. That is how you do it Mały, revenge hurts more if you are alive. There seemed to be great deal of fear around empire and there was word that orcs are going on raids. But I am not sure how reliable Quentis source is, considering after giving their information they slipped into coma. And that says nothing of how much I trust Quentis. Regardless, we have been tasked with going to Waldon Heights to investigate these raids. Interestingly, that dirtbag Butterbur came up at council. Xaon had been keeping eye on Rusty Dragon when he noticed halfling get note from Butterbur using password “Black Rose”. Now we are also tasked with going to Rusty Dragon and finding this halfling and finding out what they know. I look forward to that task. By yaga were these people petty and pathetic though. Each out for their own interest and unable to see common good. That pemu goliath admiral, refusing to help refugees, because some might be spies. And then, when I give her an opportunity to identify spies she mocks me. I see no reason to help her. But, pish, worst was Sardar Karmi. That greedy grockelu, he has no interest in anything but making himself richer. I doubt he will get any help from us. I suspect that writ will not find its way to Waldon Heights. Even if Remi had not asked us to go there and see what dirt we could find linking Karmi to major, I am not sure we would have helped. While I have no interest in involving myself in Remi power struggle, hurting Karmi dose sound like worthwhile endeavour. I am saddened to hear of Thorbir troubles. I hope we can reach him in time to save him from whatever trouble he has gotten himself in. We lost Lyra and Fang, I do not want to lose anyone else. But first, there is small matter of that halfling at Rusty Dragon to deal with, and my promise to Butterbur.

Day of trials
1st of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air

1st of Teragoth 861st Year Age of Air, Taramont Yesterday was really hard day. Getting accosted by some pemu loudmouth who was convinced his party was better than us. I do not know why others entertained his pem idea of contest. I saw his like in troupe, both members and customers, always boasting about how good they are, always with something to prove. Pathetic. Best way to deal with their like is to ignore them, make them stew in their ridiculous need for recognition. However, Uthal did himself proud, beating their orc in pem contest of strength, it did not surprise me when they went to pub together afterwards. It was painfully obvious that thy had more in common with each other than just being their group muscle. I was little surprised when Babcha entertained fool need for recognition by engaging in some silly magic show. I do not know why I stayed as long as I did. At least Uthal was not too hard to find. Same can not be said for teaching his new drinking friend how to play dice however. I have had more luck getting stones to float. At least it was good fun and, unlike his self proclaimed leader, he proved nice enough person. I would have liked to have seen just how drunk he would have got if we carried on playing. Oh well, Uthal proved to be good company and willing to play. He was even willing to play for coin. But, before we could start to roll, that little shit came back in something of mood. From what I can gather fool was arrogant enough to challenge Babcha to dule. And now everyone has seen him for child he is. I hope that sufficiently tarnishes his reputation. But, alas, we had little time to revel in his humiliation as it became apparent that there was something going on at fair. And, it turned out, that something was Uthal new friend who, in his drunkenness, had grabbed onto wheel and fallen off. Fortunately he lived, I would have felt rather bad if he had not as I was one who was, somewhat, responsible for his intoxicated state. What was less fortunate, or at least that is how it felt at time, was where we then found ourselves. Across way where collection of tents, outside which was ma and pa. They were about to perform song, listening to them reminded me of when I was child. When they had finished – this hurts to write, I am feeling emotional now just writing this – I went up to them. Over last month or so I have been trapped in dungeon; escaped from wizard; had one of my company try and kill me; fought bandits, dragons, vampires; been kidnapped, interrogated and tortured by witch who then tried to kill me; fought spiders, nearly saw Babcha die; been looked down on, mocked and derided; been put on trial. None of it, none, was as hard as what I did then. To face my parents, after 15 years, after failing them so gravely, was bravest thing I have ever done. But, by Lliira, I am glad I had courage. I am glad Babcha told me I should. Seeing them was best thing that has happened to me in years, since that day. Unsurprisingly ma did ask where Mały was. I could not lie to her, however much truth hurt I would not lie. So now they know. They did not take it well, but I do not blame them. Milil knows I did not. I can not blame ma for asking for some time, I would have if position was other way. So I took my leave and was going to go back to Final Toll. I wish Babcha had offered to come back with me, and I wish Uthal loudmouth friend had stayed away, but they all decided to go to circus as planned. I would have, but I just did not have heart after what had just happened, I think others understood. But fate smiled on me, if only briefly, as Bruno saw me and said hello. It was good to see child and he lifted my soul. His parents called him away as they were planning on going to circus. But, before I could make my way back for what then would have been much more pleasurable evening than I was expecting moment ago, I saw Viconius making for circus. Not knowing what he might try to do to my fellows I followed hopping to warn them. Babcha response made me wonder why I had bothered, but with hindsight I think it was good I returned. Because, when Viconius interned ring to begin his performance, I got shock of my life. Out of nowhere, looking like hell, Perrin appeared from nowhere. But this was not my Mały, my Mały would not have attacked Nana. After trapping Viconius in lamp – good riddance I say – Mały vanished into this strange orb. Babcha then also disappeared into it and I followed her. I then found myself in this silent world of shadows with this strange light like rope leading off into distance. With nothing else to do I followed it. Eventually it led to this glowing ball and everyone else appeared. I could not hear anything although I could see other talking. We then all went through thing and appeared at Marblerock pish. On far bank was Mały. He told us he wanted revenge on Viconius and what had happened to him, I can not really remember it. My head would have been spinning at best of times, but that place, realm or whatever/wherever we were was weird. Whatever happened we left Mały and found ourselves back in circus. After I have no idea how long Uthal picked me up and I think everyone started back towards Final Toll. I must have fallen asleep at some point and I guess they must have taken me back there as I was woken in early hours by Babcha bursting into my quarters saying there was fire in town. I went to wake Nettle as Uthal struggled to get his armour on. When I got to fire Babcha was already there and helping to put fire out and I started to help as well. When Uthal arrived he charged into shop, with Nettle following, and they came out shortly with young female. They claimed that they had found bodies in cellar chained up. Owner of store was named as Rufus Telpin and he was soon found trying to leave city. He should have saved his breath grockel, his pathetic pleas were not enough to get Babcha mercy. Rightly so. With fire dealt with and its victim being cared for we left that filth with guards and returned to Final Toll for what remained of night. When I woke I went to bar to steel myself for my trip to see my parents. For some reason Nettle stayed with me, she confuses me. As I was about to leave Tata entered. We then went to my quarters where we had wonderful talk. It was lovely to be with him again. And Nana is ok.   Now, I look forward to sharing meal with my ma and pa. Same can not be said for this council meeting. At least I have that meal to look forward to, I am sure it will get me through.


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