
A semi-divine Celestial creature associated with the raging power and ferocity of the sun. Ixcanen, the Fire Serpent is not regarded as one of the true Divines, but they strive to attain the levels of power where they would have to be counted as an equal of the Divines. As part of this struggle, Ixcanen is said to have created Yuan-Ti, to provide a base of mortals on the Material Plane to give them worship, and through that worship increase their power and influence in that plane of existence.

Divine Domains

Though far lesser in status and power, Ixcanen, like Gormallis is thought to be one of many deities that is linked to the sun and light.    However, Ixcanen’s focus as a sun deity is much more on the sun’s aggressive nature, its power over life and death for mortals on the surface world and the searing nature of its fires. Serpents and other reptilian creatures, and related humanoids are a natural divine concern of Ixcanen, as these creatures who must bask in the sun’s light to be able to properly function, know above all the truly invigorating power of the sun’s strength.

Holy Books & Codes

Ixcanen does not promote the use of written texts by their followers, and instead prefers that their communications to them and between them be given by word of mouth only. The exact reason for this is unknown, but adherents to Ixcanen limit their writings to purely mythological and historical narratives, instead of committing their lord’s teachings to writing.

Tenets of Faith

Followers of Ixcanen are strong believers, like their divine master, that it is the strong who survive, and the weak will either perish or will become tools to further the work of those who are above them in the natural order of things, as dictated by strength.   Both Ixcanen and their adherents believe that they are the strongest of all creatures, and therefore regard the possessions and the lives of other creatures as being forfeit to them. For example, the mortal followers of Ixcanen will view other humanoids as slaves to be taken and worked to death, whilst Ixcanen themself regards mortals who are not their followers as little more than fuel to drive their eternal fire.   In addition, as Ixcanen acknowledges the sun as the source of their divine power, their followers are encouraged to venerate the sun every day, often through sacrifices and through basking in its warmth. However, this should not be confused with promotion of the worship of the Divine Gormallis, who is the ultimate divine authority on the sun of the Material Plane and other planes of existence.    Both Ixcanen and the Yuan-Ti regard Gormallis and his follwers as their major rivals and they will take any opportunity they can to deface Gormallis’ image or damage or destroy anything linked to them.  

Granted Divine Powers and Gifts

  As a deity linked to the sun, Ixcanen most frequently grants thier followers access to fire based magic, which can range from being rather mundane in nature, the production of simple, mostly harmless fire manipulation tricks, to devastating spells that cause raging infernos and untold levels of destruction.   In addition, Ixcanen’s affinity and favouritism towards more reptilian humanoids, and Yuan-Ti in particular, often leads them to bestow the physical characteristics of snakes on their followers, if they have none already.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Ixcanen’s divine goal is simple, to prove beyond doubt what they believes, that they are not only worthy of being counted amongst the Divines, but that they have the potential to be stronger than all of them.   Despite these grandiose ambitions, Ixcanen is not stupid, and recognises that strength also comes through cunning as well as through brute force. Therefore, most of their activities thus far have been aimed at increasing their mortal power-base on the Material Plane of Kelbonnar, with the hope that their mortal forces can provide them with enough worshippers to break the hold of the other Divines on the Material Plane.   Ultimately, Ixcanen’s ambitions are not limited to just securing divine pre-eminence on the Material Plane and this is simply viewed as a step in their ultimate goal, a crusade to conquer the upper and lower planes of existence and rule Kelbonnar in its entirety.
Divine Classification
Semi-Divine Being

Circumstances of Birth

  Ixcanen is said to have been created as a by-product from the residues of the immense amount of magical energy used by Gormallis to create the Material Plane’s sun.  

Divine Sigils and Symbols

  The most common depiction of Ixcanen is the symbol of a rearing snake crowned with a wreath of flame. This symbol appears on all manner of items created by the Yuan-Ti, especially those of the city-state of Xanma'atol, from ritual items used in the great temple of Ixcanen to everyday household items. The symbol also doubles as the hieroglyph character for Ixcanen in the written variant of Abyssal.

Mortal Creations

  Ixcanen is said to be the creator of Yuan-Ti, though scholars do not believe that they created this species from scratch. It is believed that Ixcanen abducted communities of Humans living in remote jungle regions, melding and twisting them with serpents and other reptiles into the various forms of the Yuan-Ti. Whilst many would view this act as an anathema, the Yuan-Ti themselves worship Ixcanen as their creator deity.  

Assumed Physical Forms 

  Most often when they manifest themselves into a physical form, Ixcanen will appear as a giant red serpent, with a halo of flame that wreaths their head in fire and flickering light. They have also been known to appear before humanoids as an elf with flaming red hair and serpentine eyes.


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